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Hey you with the "GTG" GF/wife are you a "loser"?


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Too many times on this board do we have the BG vs the non-BG argument. You have guys who will describe at length the virtues of having a NBG companion.


Most guys who come to LOS IMO at some level yearn for a mate or semblance of long term female companionship. They initially indulge in the bar scene and then when they discover that the bar is not their only option and they can have a relationship with a NBG. Once they are with a NBG these guys then become the harshest critics of BG's often extolling the virtues of a NBG vs. a BG in a very negative manner.




I fiind it interesting that the primary reasons that guys put down BG relationships aside from the obvious she "sells her body for money" is the BG has a lower level of education;BG's can't communicate effectively in English; a man needs a companion that can share his interests and conversate on more worldly topics, etc.


Now these other points are exactly what I can find in a woman in my home country!




I find it sad when guys feel the need to proclaim that they have a "GTG" as if they won some sort of prize. Makes me think these men had problems with female relationships in their home countries which were not the fault of the often used term "femi-nazi" culture.




Guys who belittle the BG relationships act no differently than a guy with a farang wife/girlfriend proclaiming that guys who travel looking for love in foreign women are a bunch of "losers".




Think about it aside from the "Asian" ethnicity why would a guy look for companionship in a woman that he could not identify with culturally?


The same attributes used to describe NBG's can be found in the women in your home countries with the added bonus of cultural compatibility.




Personally, I enjoy BG's as well as NBG's and my countrywomen. You see I love all women. Relationships in my life are the result about how I feel towards a particular individual.


IMO there is no generic "better" type of woman based on her ethnicity, culture, education or occupation. The best one is the one that loves and respects me as me and I do the same in return.

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Here is one guy?s perspective. Don't mean nothin'.




When I went to Thailand originally, I went for work and to experience Thai culture.




I knew going in about the bar scene from the guy who convinced me to go. He warned me about the rip-off bars, told me about bar fines, MPs, and to be careful.




As a result of my job, dive instruction, I went out with farang women for a while. I also occasionally went to bars for, of course, sanuk.




I eventually met my wife, GTG, working in a small bungalow resort managing the Thai staff. Over a period of months I got to know her, we dated, and I fell in love. That pretty much ended my sanuking.




Given this, my perspective is different from the sanuk traveler, maybe even many other expats. I thought it might be of interest. Or not, .....up to you. smile.gif




I don't look down on BGs or farang/BG relationships. I'm not perfect, far from it, so why should I feel I'm in a position to judge someone else?




I think there are no true generalities when it comes to BGs. We all joke about the sick buffalo, sick mother, and letters sent to multiple boyfriends. These are not absolutes, just stereotypes. We all know of someone who validates the stereotype. The hardcore Patpong girl with a stable of farang boyfriends, who ?never goes bar anymore.? wink.gif And we also all know stories of guys who have been taken by hustlers. But I believe there are also BGs who end up being good, faithful, companions, it just doesn?t get as much publicity on the board.




My best friend in Thailand told me, early on, to be careful with all Thai women. Have fun. But if you are going to get into a relationship be cautious. He told me about the failed marriages. The farang co-owners of bars who lost their nut to a scheming BG. He also showed me examples of strong relationships. Women who would lay down their lives for their BF or husband.




I think this is true no matter where you are in the world. There are devoted wives and scheming ex?s. Would you marry someone from your home country without getting to know who that person really is? No. So to do the same in foreign country would be foolish.




I had BGs as friends, through my friendship with my buddy. He had been in Thailand for 8 years and made money writing dear farang letters. I even wrote some myself. (If we have any Aussies named Tony on the board, I still big love you tirok. smile.gif )




In my experience I would just advise any punter considering a relationship with a BG to be cautious. The same advice my friend gave me regarding all Thai women.




I think it is very easy to get played, as some girls are very good at the "girlfriend" experience. That does not mean that every girl is playing you.




What does she ask of you? What are her friends like? Have you met her family? Does she use drugs or drink excessively? (If the answer to that is yes, I would run, not walk, in the opposite direction.




Bottom line. BGs are no better or worse than non-BGs. I've had experiences with GTGs, not sexual, that I've despised. If I had a friend with an ex-BG wife, would I look down on her. Not at all. I would see her for the person she is today, good, bad, or indifferent.




I don't know if that helped or answered anything or was just a rant.





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Most guys who come to LOS IMO at some level yearn for a mate or semblance of long term female companionship. They initially indulge in the bar scene and then when they discover that the bar is not their only option and they can have a relationship with a NBG. Once they are with a NBG these guys then become the harshest critics of BG's often extolling the virtues of a NBG vs. a BG in a very negative manner.












I think you can make an analogy with former smokers. They are usually the ones who are the most fanatic when it comes to nonsmoking or putting smokers downwink.gif













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