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The lottery.... Ripped of by an ex Bg


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.."Latest on this couple is that they are back together agian..."


I hope you friend does some serious thinking with his 'big' head and not either his heart or 'little' head. While things are apparently amicable, I believe he should make all efforts to insure that his assets can't be accessed by his wife.

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Yeah, P127 is right, as an American, growing up in the city, I am on my guard over there and trust no one. I would suggest to him that he listen to some good 'ol American rap music, I think the songs, "you gotta let a ho be a ho" by the Geto Boys and "you better watch your back coz some of these ho's jack" by Master P are in order. ::


I think we are all dying to know how they got back together. I guess the proverb, "pussy hairs can pull a train" hold true. :p

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This is a darn shame and I feel for your friend. It seems, based upon your description, a well planned event. The deposit in BKK,the return to the house when he was in jail. She is clearly a con artist awaiting her opportunity AFTER she got her green card.

Get his ATM card and withdraw 40,000 Baht EVERY DAY when you get there. I have an account with BKK Bank and the max withdrawal for my card is TWO 20,000 Baht withdrawals.DOES HE HAVE AN ATM CARD OR DO THEY BOTH? IF THEY BOTH DO IT WILL BE A RACE TO THE BANK EVERYNIGHT AT12:01

Hope this works and you get there before she does. She will be about withdrawing the money and setting up a business or more likely squandering the $ and ending up back in a bar.

I fell for a BG once 8 years ago and she went back to her ex-Norwegian BF when I saw the light(or should I say the darkness). Like your friend she took him to the cleaners as well.

IMHO MOST of THE BGS are not trustworthy in the long haul (just my opinion) but there is always an exception however I will NEVER risk MY heart on it-


Good luck to your friend...

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Well, from what I read, the amont we are talking about is under $45,000 USD. This is a nice chunk of change, but who knows, maybe she decided to hang in there and wait for a bigger score. Dude should hold off on getting that million dollar life insurance policy ::

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Dude the woman is planning, obviously realising the 2.6mil is fuck all in the grand scheme of things. I would be making up some sort of story myself, maybe set her up with another man and get some candid photos of her being unfaithful from a Private dick, and then divorce her and get the hell away.


My guess is we will hear about these two sooner rather than later, and he will be fucked over real bad.. :( :(

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Says Cyborg:

Latest on this couple is that they are back together agian.... ::


I didn`t get the full story on what have happened, but once agian they are together and from what I could tell he seems to have just "forgotten" about the hole thing and forgiven her....... ::


More details will come when I get a hold of him.


" As the Bar Girl Turns " coming soon to your local TV set.

I ( we ) just have to know, did she keep the money?









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I have seen similar cases here in the States.


Do you know that there are groups of Thai women who give advice to other Thai women how to rip husbands/lovers off?


Some men, though, ones cannot warn them because their TG "is always different than anyone else".



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