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Police searched me last night


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in the morning i discovered all my ATM and credit cards were missing from the wallet.




Loosing your passport,getting a good kicking in the crossfire of a bar fight.I think you should change your handle to "lucky"lol!

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Seems that every time someone runs into the police, or has a financial problem with a Thai, the whole thing is put down to being the end of the month, and rent to pay.




But this happened on the 3rd of October.




So it must be a start of the month thing, rent to pay, etc.

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Many BKK area room rents are really DUE on the 5th or even as late as the 10th of the month.




So these are the more critical times that someone would really need money to pay for the room, or else the door is locked.




Ever notice why there are locks on both the door knob and also an external lock on the door ? Very easy for the apartment manager to "lock out" a tenant !

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my first ever night in....bangkok




I see you guys had some hardship with the cops. Does dressing up help? I always do, expect me wearing a tie, with a suitcase in my hand on Dec 20, for the Woodstock get together. Or before, countdowm has started, but not scheduling.


Anyway, ny first night in BKK, circa 1988, i was with a little guide (never asked any money, just ate 200bahts of fried shrimps...) going thru the nightlife and our tuktuk was stopped, and its driver and my guide were being questionned rudely by the cops. After, they turned towards me and asked me if my stay was going accordingly, wishing me a very good night. Ah! farang status...... The good Old times!

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Many countries have laws about carrying a passport/visa/id at all times. Thailand is one of them...but yeah, as a "tourist" the way around it is to carry a photocopy of your passport at all times...any issue with it and you can demand that the boys in brown bring you back to your hotel for the original. Can't say I've had any run-ins with them, but I have heard some major scam stories involving buses coming from Trat to Ekkamai. I spend a lot of time around Ko Chang....evidently, there has been a big marijuana busting sting on Ko Chang in the last few years. I know of 7 people who were on buses that pulled in to Ekkamai from Trat, and the police surrounded the bus and singled out all the foreigners on board (obviously they had been on Ko Chang)...they then searched them and their luggage and found (or planted) a bit of pot, which led to a $2000 fine! (that's dollars, not baht!). I have been in a few situations around the world where I have been threatened by police on a power trip. Thus far, an allusion to my father, the "ambassador" of whatever country I am in, has usually sent them packing!

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