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Long Distance Relations


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I love a good love story, I'm sap for them. Congrats BB, gives old cynics like me some hope. Webcam idea sounds great. Thanks for the comments from others also on this subject.

It seems like for these type of things to work you need time. A week in LOS and thinking you 'connect' with the person isn't gonna do it. Also, it seems like there needs to be a plan on the future and both need to be on the same page. Last, lots and lots of trust. The relationship has to be strong enough to reduce the lack of said trust where its not an issue and lots of communication seems to be the remedy for that.


Good luck for all of you on this thread involved in such relationships. Maybe I'll be able to add my 'story' to it one day. :)

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Hi Belgian Boy - no she's not sixty years old!

Yes we are married in Thailand which we did in August. The main reason we got married is that our house is in her parents village and she thought it would be more respectable for us to be married before living together, which I'm happy with.

We are not living together at the moment because she has a son from a previous marriage and also is very close to her family, I can't see her ever living in the UK.

I am happy to relocate to Thailand but it's going to be a good 12/18 months before it's financially viable for me.

All the best



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:) I meant to say that she is not too old to learn abouut computers, send her to class immediately.


Then again she has a son, can he help ?


As for living in farangland or in LOS, I have always said that a Thai girl / woman is like a flower, cut her and put her in a vase and she dies in 10-14 days.........

That is what happens to 90 % of all Thai girls here in farangland !


I will relocate asap as well :)


Cheers !


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Well, I jump somewhat late into this discussion because I had a phone line set up last week in the house here in Chumpon and had to buy a PC and make it all work.

The computer shop sold me a D-link webcam which does not come with Windows XP drivers. I downloaded these from their website and still have problems with the thing. Probably will ask for a replacement today at that shop.


Anyway, I can not agree more with the need of regular communication, I came to the same conclusion, and a huge phone bill is not very funny. I have a few weeks left to make everything work here and need her to be able to get connected.


The disadvantage we have is her poor English, which I am teaching her every day now and yesterday she had her first hands-on experience with a PC.


I still need to find the right internet connection solution over here as well. I am using Loxinfo 30 days unlimited time with 500MB max over a 1222 number, but this seems to give access problems in the afternoon and might be slow compared to node-dialing.

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"As for living in farangland or in LOS, I have always said that a Thai girl / woman is like a flower, cut her and put her in a vase and she dies in 10-14 days.........

That is what happens to 90 % of all Thai girls here in farangland !"


90%? Sure, many miss Thailand. But in my experience not so much that they return permanently home because of that. Before they retire that is, a huger percentage retire to Thailand. Actually, I think Thais are better at adapting to western society than many other nationalites.


My ex missed Thailand while she was in Norway, and missed Norway when she was in Thailand.



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Well, 90 % is maybe a figure of speech to mean that the overwhelming majority is whining away in farangland, then again that is only my take on the issue........


Having different values in LOS re family, living in group, living outdoors extrovert vs. introvert here, I can say that yes, most of them are not happy here, and that your best bet is to relocate to LOS !


Cheers !

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I still think you are overdoing the homesickness BB. What they usually do is take with them LOS abroad. They make their social infrastructure in farangland, staying in Thai groups and sharing their interests.


When it comes to family, remember that many of them live away from family in LOS in the first place.


Ex used to whine about some aspects of Norwegian society. But she praised others. I don't think they have a harder time adapting than us.


I read an article some time ago, Thais even staying and working in Spitsbergen! Thats as close as you can get to the North Pole..Seemed to work out also.


This is just my take on it though.



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Thanks for the analysis on my feelings :) :) another 21 days for me...........


I'll be the last to argue with you, you were married with a Thai in Norway, I only see what happens here in Belgium with my friends.


One group behaves normally, i.e. all GTG's, so not really a problem...... another group are ex-Pattaya hookers, and they are still behaving as such....


But who am I to judge ?


Cheers !

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