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Another terror article involving LOS


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"...starting with the gulf war the rules of the game have changed, journalists getting only very limited access in warzones, and important information is withheld..."


Actually, I think Reagan started this in Granada, pool video (shot by the government) and limited to press releases by the government, limited or no field access, and other such crap. This continued in Pananama (any idea why an "empty" field is guarded by U.S. military? and no photos are allowed? supposedly where the innocent "collateral damage" is buried).


"... the discrepancy between reports by journalists who were in afghanisthan and reports by soldiers who fought there are tremendous. very scary..."


Funny how we never hear much news about the war in Afganistan, is it over? still on? limited clashes? we hear almost nothing here about it...

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>>>Funny how we never hear much news about the war in Afganistan, is it over? still on? limited clashes? we hear almost nothing here about it... <<<


because the media circus is over. the big money is not paid anymore, the big league journalists are not there anymore. they are eagerly anticipating irak. if that starts going the huge money is made there, millions and millions the media machine will push in there.


in afghanisthan fighting is still going on, the power is back to exactly the same warlords and drugbarons who did cause the civil war out of which the taleban grew (or was made up... ;) ). opium planting and heroin production is back up again (the golden crescent has now again a bigger output than the golden triangle).

special forces from the west are still hunting for "al quaida" remnants.

basically, back to the normal fucked up situation.


remember somalia?

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and why do you think that brink15 is somehow not posting in that thread anymore? there is something like "private messages" where i might have backed up my "claims" in ways i can't on an open message board.


Fly, fly, fly, fly,


I was keeping your PM's private as they are confidential, however your referencing them in a public post opens the Pandora's Box.


You made two huge misassumptions in your above statement.


Misassumption #1 is that your PM's to me have impressed me in the least as to your credibility.


Misassumption #2 is that my silence is due to some overwhelming evidence you presented to me.


I won't reveal the details of your PM's but suffice to say you really haven?t proven anything. I can make assumptions as to why you say the things that you do like emphasizing the "corporate media in crisis" and "corporate media greed." To me it sounds like a large chip on someone's shoulder. However it's best not to assume as I hope you'll have learned from your last statement.


My silence in the other thread was simply me growing tired of the debate. It's a no win situation. The media says one thing backed up by what you say are only "alleged" quotes. You say this is mostly fictionalized yet can offer no proof other than allusions to inside information.


Now back to the regularly scheduled thread. Sorry for the interruption.


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"Misassumption"? Is that a word?


Re: the "corporate media greed" perception that fly has; maybe to get him to see the other side - that they are just us - we should get him to watch the episode of 'The Simpsons' where the little town of Springfield is chosen as the setting for the location of the shooting of the new 'RadioActive Man' movie. They choose to exploit the movie men by raising prices and inventing taxes at every turn, to such a degree that the movie men run out of money and have to leave town.


...End of story...

"Well, I hope you're all satisfied. You bankrupted a bunch of naive movie folks - folks from a Hollywood where values are... different. They weren't thinking about the money. They just wanted to tell a story, a story about a radioactive man, and you slick small-towners took 'em for all they were worth."


In Hollywood, an assembled crowd welcomes back the troubled production

with open arms. An actor hugs the assistant and says, "We know you

don't have any more money left, but that doesn't matter. Just take

whatever you need from our boutiques until you can get back on your

feet." The assistant sighs, "Thank God we're back in Hollywood where

people treat each other right."


The camera pans out from Hollywood Blvd. and Vine St., where everyone

smiles and acts friendly, to the strains of "Lean On Me."


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"Misassumption"? Is that a word?


From Merriam-Webster On-line dictionary:


One entry found for mis-.



Main Entry: mis-

Function: prefix

Etymology: partly from Middle English, from Old English; partly from Middle English mes-, mis-, from Old French mes-, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English mis-; akin to Old English missan to miss

1 a : badly : wrongly <misjudge> b : unfavorably <misesteem> c : in a suspicious manner <misdoubt>

2 : bad : wrong <misdeed>

3 : opposite or lack of <mistrust>

4 : not <misknow>

mis·act mis·ad·dress mis·ad·just mis·ad·min·is·tra·tion mis·ad·vise mis·aim mis·align mis·align·ment mis·al·lo·cate mis·al·lo·ca·tion mis·anal·y·sis mis·ap·pli·ca·tion mis·ap·ply mis·ap·prais·al mis·ar·tic·u·late mis·as·sem·ble mis·as·sump·tion mis·at·trib·ute mis·at·tri·bu·tion mis·bal·ance mis·be·have mis·be·hav·er mis·be·hav·ior mis·bound mis·but·ton mis·cal·cu·late mis·cal·cu·la·tion mis·cap·tion mis·cat·a·log mis·chan·nel mis·char·ac·ter·i·za·tion mis·char·ac·ter·ize mis·charge mis·choice mis·ci·ta·tion mis·clas·si·fi·ca·tion mis·clas·si·fy mis·code mis·com·pre·hen·sion mis·com·pu·ta·tion mis·com·pute mis·con·ceive mis·con·ceiv·er mis·con·cep·tion mis·con·nect mis·con·nec·tion mis·con·struc·tion mis·con·strue mis·copy mis·cor·re·la·tion mis·cre·ate mis·cre·a·tion mis·cut mis·date mis·deem mis·de·fine mis·de·scribe mis·de·scrip·tion mis·de·vel·op mis·di·ag·nose mis·di·ag·no·sis mis·dial mis·dis·tri·bu·tion mis·di·vi·sion mis·draw mis·ed·u·cate mis·ed·u·ca·tion mis·em·pha·sis mis·em·pha·size mis·em·ploy mis·em·ploy·ment mis·es·ti·mate mis·es·ti·ma·tion mis·eval·u·ate mis·eval·u·a·tion mis·field mis·file mis·fo·cus mis·func·tion mis·gauge mis·gov·ern mis·gov·ern·ment mis·grade mis·iden·ti·fi·ca·tion mis·iden·ti·fy mis·in·form mis·in·for·ma·tion mis·kick mis·la·bel mis·learn mis·lo·cate mis·lo·ca·tion mis·man·age mis·man·age·ment mis·mark mis·mar·riage mis·match mis·mate mis·or·der mis·ori·ent mis·ori·en·ta·tion mis·pack·age mis·per·ceive mis·per·cep·tion mis·plan mis·po·si·tion mis·print mis·pro·gram mis·quo·ta·tion mis·quote mis·rec·ol·lec·tion mis·re·cord mis·ref·er·ence mis·reg·is·ter mis·reg·is·tra·tion mis·re·late mis·re·mem·ber mis·ren·der mis·re·port mis·route mis·set mis·shape mis·shap·en mis·shap·en·ly mis·sort mis·strike mis·throw mis·time mis·ti·tle mis·train mis·tran·scribe mis·tran·scrip·tion mis·trans·late mis·trans·la·tion mis·truth mis·tune mis·type mis·uti·li·za·tion mis·vo·cal·i·za·tion mis·write


So I guess yeah the answer would be yes. :)

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You mean that WE as a people expolit journalists? So actually all this terror thing is a plot to get money out of journalists...it makes sense..


Lets say that the WTC and the Bali Bombing were nothing but staged events...then we make up some boogey man like Bin Laden, have him phoney up some threats, then place his phoney operatives in Thailand for example..hmm, then hordes of journalists come running into the countries using up hotel rooms and sampling the local maidens and spending money while we keep making up stories to keep them there.....spending more money....everyones happy...


Hey does anyone here have a source in the media..if so Ive got some private information about Terrs here in Alaska...Id be willing to be a guide into the wilds at $100 per day :)


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Ah, but that dictionary appears to have a load of mistakes in it, omitting u's (e.g. "unfavourably") and swapping z's for s's (e.g. "misemphasize") willy-nilly.


Damn Brits, :)


You have to understand that we are an extremely efficient culture. All those extra u's seemed awfully unnecessary so we have removed them from our American dictionaries.


I hope this doesn't colour your view of my post however.


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>>>Hey does anyone here have a source in the media..if so Ive got some private information about Terrs here in Alaska...Id be willing to be a guide into the wilds at $100 per day<<<


then you would be selling your services a bit cheap. and by the way, if you get the right sales pitch, you will find someone who will take you up on your offer, no joke.


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well, i assumed then wrong. can't do much about it. seems that i have to bow to you guys knowledge.


so, then just keep on discussing how to evade the impending terrorist attack on nana plaza, and make your plans for your escape routes. in case you know...

it might help if you bring some bulletproof vest, and there are also those minesafe boots made in singapore, they might come useful in case all those fundamentalists here put a minefield in front of grace hotel.


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