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America the Ignorant


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The link contains a slide show, which will probably surprise no one here. Below is just one example.


America the Ignorant - Newsweek




To mark the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, Gallup thought it might be a good idea to poll Americans on their beliefs of the British naturalist's theory. But the results must have had Darwin spinning in his grave, since only 39 percent of Americans believed in the theory. The good news: only a quarter said they didn't believe it; the remaining portion either didn't have an opinion or didn't answer. (Also, only 55 percent correctly linked Darwin's name with the theory.) However, it appears that views may, um, evolve: younger people believe in evolution at far higher rates than older ones.[/color]

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Yep' date=' nobody expected GWB to be the disaster he turned out to be. Compared to bumbling Al Bore, he looked pretty good.




He still does, in comparison.





Have to agree with that one. Even if 9/11 had not happened AG would have spent the same money as the war on stupid and useless "environmental" crap.

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