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America the Ignorant


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I'd much prefer placing a tax on all male US citizens who did not serve in the military. It's about time they did their share. The rest of us gave up a few years of our lives. :D


p.s. And yes the politicians have suggested cutting veterans' benefits. They'll do anything except cut their own pay. ;)



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If you look at some of the other slides in the link, you have:


- 40% of Americans believe health care reform will result in 'death panels.' (A Sarah Palin notion.)


- 41% believe Saddam was involved in 9/11 or possessed WMDs. (A Cheney/Bush concept.)


- 21% believe Obama is a Muslim (a FOX News talking point.)


And of course, it was GWB who said Intelligent Design should be taught alongside Evolution in schools.


NONE of the folks who believe the above would have voted for Obama!

Then we have the 50% that don't know Judaism is older than Christianity or Islam. Could be bi-partisan, but we know most Jews are Dems, and I don't think THEY'D get that one wrong.


Finally, those who believe in witchcraft. Bi-partisan, for sure, but I can't help thinking of Christine O'Donnell. :barf:



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