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Everything posted by Coss

  1. When I was 17 I thought something like this might work: Your car - has a tank of water with minute amount of additives to make electrolysis more efficient (can't remember if this is acid or alkali, could be a simple as salt). - has solar cels on every horizontal surface. - uses said electricity to split the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. - has a number of very small gas pumps that compress the gases into storage cylinders like Aqualung cylinders. (The reason the pumps are small is that the electricity to drive them comes from the solar cells and it's easier to push smaller quantities of gas into the storage cylinders. Many of these would make the work easier over time. - the stored Hydrogen and Oxygen would be utilised in an engine of some sort, piston, turbine, what ever works best. Ergo - park car outside - fill with water - no pollution. Back then they all said I was dreaming, now I feel that technology is getting to a level that this is feasible. Comments?
  2. I should, as a matter of form, apologise to those of us, who have or have had, Thai wives and have found them to be honest and trustworthy. Though the original story, does demonstrate the pitfalls one can encounter in life.
  3. Coss


    Provided they don't hit anyone below them, I am happy to see them fall. I think that it's a small price to pay to have them removed from the gene pool. Mind you, when the family and friends come out and say, "He died doing what he loved" and "He was the world's most beautiful person" I wonder if the idiot was thinking beautiful flowery thoughts, as he plummeted to earth at terminal velocity, screaming his head off... Luverly - good entertainment, more please...
  4. The wife in this story is also presumably aware of the 50/50 marital property split if divorce looms and does't want her husband to share. This is my mind demonstrates the Thai attitude to laws in general...
  5. I heard a story recently which, I think, illuminates the Thai attitude towards money Thai lady and Farang husband, happily married and living in Oz, been together years and years. The wife wins $300k on the lotto. Not telling the husband, she pays off a house she's been secretly buying (via mortgage) in Thailand. She tells the husband she won 7,000 on the lotto, she buys a new bed for them. And life goes on.
  6. Coss


    Only if you're white
  7. Playing the Devil's advocate: The Jet stream changing to bring cold down over North America (and or Europe) is a consequence of Global Warming/Climate change. Not playing the Devil's advocate: The problem with this is, that I can distinctly remember people using this same change (the jet stream) to forecast at least a mini ice age, like they had in the middle ages, if not a full on ice age, - should the jet stream change. Now I guess we'll see. Back then, there were estimates that the onset of an ice age could be observable in as little as 30 years. I hope Gore is not dead by then.
  8. Sin City A Dame to Kill For 2014 Very Good, nice treatment of nudity and violence.
  9. Boomerang 1992 - Eddy Murphy - enough said - avoid. Dallas Buyers Club 2013 - Good - Mathew McConaughey lost huge weight to play the lead role - very good Four Lions 2010 - Funniest thing I've seen for a while, just goes to show that the protagonists of the world are not always operating with a complete brain. I think everyone should watch this, if only to see why dickheads do things. Maleficent 2014 - Disney - and a good movie, Angelina Jolie is stunning - a retelling of a classic tale - Worth a Watch The Man Who Knew Too Little 1997 - Funny older movie - Worth a Watch Without a Clue 1988 - Great acting, good comedy, Michael Caine, Ben Kingsley, even a cameo from Peter Cook - - Worth a Watch
  10. "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? " This is typical of society today, imposing predetermined expectations on vulnerable members of our world. Should a woodchuck choose not to chuck wood, it is his choice and his choice alone, he should not be judged on his motives for not chucking said wood nor discriminated against, for choosing not to do so.
  11. Scientists are only right when the majority of the population agrees with them, that's democracy, or truth by popularity. Don't let facts muddy the waters.
  12. So would that be Global Warming? Climate Change? Because it can't be called cooling...
  13. From memory, he's a 'roid abuser and dealer.
  14. I can vouch for the Bar, spent more than few evenings finding out what's under the tables...
  15. "Though the incident has not disrupted flights" So the flights can still use the canal then?
  16. I've seen that, surprisingly very good, for what I always thought was a stink premise. Yes, good music.
  17. That and Nitrogen are quite good ways to go apparently. Nitrogen in particular, just sends you to sleep, no convulsions, no nothing, just night night.
  18. England played well and scored well. The All Blacks were hindered by a Welsh Git (apologies to those from Wales) Ref.
  19. Ahh typo - but the one litre is still cheaper. What I think we mean is "which is cheaper, per litre", not just "which is cheaper" No wonder they're confused :)
  20. "I often use real world examples...a one liter bottle of milk is 44 Baht...a larger, two liter bottle is 89 Baht...if I buy two, two liter bottles, which is cheaper...I see the results running 50/50 (correct/incorrect)...requires thinking!" The one litre for 44 bht is cheaper, both the two litre @ 89 bht and the two, two litres @ 178 bht are more expensive :)
  21. Mystery Road 2013 - Australian Filum - Good - relaxed, laid back and interesting. Worth a watch.
  22. Hell no! And I play the Devil's advocate here... All those foreigners will have Isaan children who'll be brighter than the average Isaan prole, then the region will not only have voting power, but smarts too! To paraphrase Robert Muldoon, foreigners moving to Isaan will raise that average IQ of both the foreign country and Isaan. I post this, tongue firmly in cheek, just in case someone wants to take me seriously .
  23. All over the local news, he's been in various scrapes with the law in middle earth, mainly to do with drugs, brought on by, I suspect, the local plod's epiphany of, "Ooooh there's a rock star living here, he's bound to have drugs, let's arrest him..."
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