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Everything posted by buffalo_bill

  1. Gentlemen, I have now decided not to bash the Donald any more, but to hold my protecting hands over him. Project number one: like on the picture above the Donald looks like an overaged orange trading class B- somebody found on the floor in the grocery 1 week after closure. I urge First Lady Hil.. sorry Melania to throw away anything that gives him such a ridiculous look. And find something light grey making the president look like an elegant dolphin gliding through the waves of the Washington morass. Just my 2 cents of course but worth being considered.
  2. Dutch Prime Minister Rutte went through a supermarket these days and was asked if he had enough toilet paper at home and said " Is available and in Holland we have enough to poop for the next 10 years" .
  3. Thank you for your kind advice but this would be, errh , inconvenient. Creating confusion, kind of.
  4. Maybe they murder a trillion cockroaches but the Corona virus is being spread by particles in the air after caughing or by smear-infection, touching a door handle for example. So unless they think that lots of Thais spend the night crawling through Bankgok on the roads this is a total nonsense. I have been following the Thai Corona statistics for days now, what they publish must be far from reality. Considering the lack of precaution a desaster might be about to come. I have told the lovely Pam to pack and move to her homebase in Vientiane. Not that anything is better there but easier to separate from others.
  5. I am more and more convinced that President Donald really does not remember what happened to his pandemic team in 2018. I do further start to believe that he does not realise any more that he is spreading one lie after the other. It might be something like beginning dementia or Alzheimer. His behaviour is not normal any more.
  6. The first event is Germany-related , the coloured ladies are Australian. https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/panorama/id_87537310/coronavirus-wie-sich-menschen-weltweit-um-toilettenpapier-rangeln.html
  7. Armageddon, although I smell hope: what about un-traditional massage parlours ? How would you rate Lolita´s?
  8. What is that in the boxes ?
  9. People buying toilet paper like there is no tomorrow, which is how it started. Next hot item was paper tissues and right now for unknown reason they carry flour in pallets. The supermarkets have the time of their life I guess although they are saying empty shelves are just a result of transportation capacity. There is no shortage of anything. What do people with flour, bake bread? Nobody knows how to make bread these days and even so flour ist just one of the igredients. Soap is out all the time. 1 piece of soap in my home lasts for 2 weeks I believe. What do you want with 20?
  10. Mr Cavanami, for a change I started listening to this Trump addict til 3:41 minutes duration. He explains the world that Nixon , "slick Willy" and OF COURSE Obama are basically responsible for the virus spreading through America because they opened the US towards China. People listening to the Blackpatriot regularly should have their brains recalibrated.
  11. Til recently there have been hoards of Chinamen in Thailand, there MUST have been infected individuals between them. The virus is everywhere now to various degrees but why only 180 cases in Siam? Velly ssatrange.
  12. I am extremely surprised, or maybe not, about the low numbers of Corona-cases and related deaths in Siam. This can only be explained by the authorities not telling the truth I believe. Should that be the case the kingdom is heading for desaster, like if there might have been 1 infected guest at the Windmill and spreading it within the crowd. I have just cancelled my May excursion into the Kingdom. No good.
  13. I don´t think that the US people have an idea about what is coming, like Jerman people did not realise the danger. Today they shut down the majority of shops, all pubs and even children´s playgrounds. Sooner or later it will be a closure of public life like in Italy. Many many small enterprises shall implode, the solution is just giving them non-refundable cash which is available here but what happens elsewhere?
  14. I know I am not authorised to post here but still would be interested to find out what happened to Mr. Nasiadai in particular at the end of his travels .
  15. Excellent news from the United States , the crisis is over. Thinks Virologist in Chief Dr Donald Duck: "It's a very contagious virus, it's incredible, but it's something we have tremendous control of," the President said. The next couple of days shall make him watch what contagious means . Tremendous fun .
  16. Lots of talking these days about this and that and how many percent here and how many there. The simple truth is: cancel as many personal contacts as possible whatever it might cost and it will dry out. Hopefully it will also dry out useless political figures like Trump and his Italian counterpart Savini who on February 27th proclaimed to open all that might be possible like stadiums, restaurants,bars, museums whatever is there. Savini almost became prime minister couple of months ago, obviously God held his protecting hands over Italy.
  17. Being ahead of the US with the virus I may tell you that the toiletpaper-obsession is over. They are now stacking flour up the roof as it looks. I let you know what comes next.
  18. Cav, I did really start to watch Dr Corsi and as expected the initial draw was to blame Obama for something with the swine flu. Obama and Hillary I understood meanwhile is the iron trauma of the Trump camp and no public statement can proceed without it. His next sentence caused me a good laughter and further made me stop watching this crap. He did really say that Trump reacted quickly to the Corona crisis. Hopeless.
  19. Mr Cavanami, with all due respect I note these your very words as published on this Friday, March 13th at 11:55 AM German time. we shall come back on this in say 10 days from now which then would be Monday the 23rd. Noted.
  20. Good news,Cav. The President fell back to second position on the International Corona Bullshit League due to the speaker of the Chinese foreign secretary claiming that the original virus entered China through a US group of army sportsmen in October. The President sitting in his bed right now shall without doubt try to regain No1 in no time. We keep fingers crossed.
  21. Are the US aware of the real crisis that knocks at the door? There might be millions suffering from the infection, public life in Germany and elsewhere in Europe is changing by the hour. The Autobahn is quiet in the morning, lots of schools and universities closing, my nearest supermarket staples paper tissues and liquid soap outside due to lack of space. Anybody entering the Bubi office supposed to wash hands right away. And Trump just talks nonsense, good luck.
  22. Mr Cavanami, what do Dr Pelosi, the Blackpatriot and the guy in the leatherjacket think about the virus? A hoax invented by Merkel and the fake press, transmitted by refugees or what?
  23. Mr Sandwich , I am sure the Donald when he sits in bed late night dealing with his Twitter account is an entirely unhappy person . He would know that his wife hates him and that the rest of the world ( - 45.000.000 Americans ) laughs about him . How could anybody who has become President of the US ever behave like such an idiot? Being aware of any such enormous deficit needs compensation and that is why he behaves like he does . The man needs treatment . What I recently note is that he looks exhausted even if yelling at a crowd of followers . I start feeling sorry for him , he couldn´t fall deeper .
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