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Everything posted by khunsanuk

  1. Hi, And at the same time there a quite a few people living in this country who have no idea if they'll have something to eat each day. Sanuk!
  2. Hi, In itself this wouldn't be that outrageous, but from what I understand it is very hard to get insurance if you are over 60. And especially if you have pre-existing conditions. So, basically, this is the Thai government saying "Retirees, fuck off!". Sanuk!
  3. Hi, Can't say I am surprised. Sanuk!
  4. Sorry to hear about your friend. RIP. KS
  5. Hi, This is something I have never understood. We too 'own' a dog, but it is treated as part of the family. No point having a dog and then mostly ignore it. Sanuk!
  6. Hi, Jigger is my partner in Thai360.Com. He handles all the technical aspects of running the board. Sanuk!
  7. Hi, Ah, I think I remember this now. Wasn't this in response to you (Paul101) trying to get another board member fired from his job? I guess that was fine though, as you didn't ask for money. Not gonna bother discussing this further, just pointing out that there are always 2 sides to each story. Sanuk!
  8. Hi, Jigger will be doing some maintenance on the site over the next couple of days. This will include some clean-up as well as some increases to security. As part of the clean-up he'll be deleting ~13,000 fake accounts. We are pretty certain these are all fake ones, but if for some reason your account does get deleted, please drop me an email at sanuk@thai360.com and we will restore it. Once everything is sorted we should also have migrated to the latest version of the forum software. Sanuk!
  9. Hi, " it's such an inelegant way to communicate " Friend of mine said "Twitter is for twats" Sanuk!
  10. Hi, > Any thoughts on that, Khun Sanuk? Twitter? Not gonna happen. Totally different concept than a message board. Sanuk!
  11. Hi, I would still think this would account for a small percentage of apartments, especially of those who might be trying to fly under the radar. Sanuk!
  12. Hi, " I can see a deeper reason for the TM30 as how many landlords collect the rent on a cash basis and the money is never declared to the THai Tax Office. " I considered that as well, but I bet that the vast majority of landlords lease to other Thais. This would not catch them. Sanuk!
  13. Hi, So typical, everyone complains about the TM30, so let's drop the TM6. The TM6 is a minor inconvenience while the TM30 is a major pain in the ass. Sanuk!
  14. Hi, Don't give them any bloody ideas Sanuk!
  15. Hi, Utter travesty, but unfortunately not unexpected. These kids were doomed the second the police picked them up KS
  16. Hi, > The solution obviously is not to stay in a hotel when you travel in country. Or let your wife check-in instead. Just don't give the hotel your passport. Sanuk!
  17. Hi, " That must be a nice money making scam plan for Immigration. " Someone has to pay for those submarines (+ 'commission'). Sanuk!
  18. Hi, " much less effort required on KS part and editing stupid comments. " Actually, the effort is pretty minimal nowadays. Sanuk!
  19. Hi, Were mistakes made during the running of this site, absolutely. Was changing the name one of them? If you look at it from the point of attracting new members and name recognition, then definitely. However, that is just one aspect. Trying to monetize a website it not easy, and if that website's main focus is nightlife and is named after a big brothel area then that becomes even harder. Google at the time was actively checking that its ads were not on adult content (we lost 75% of our monthly Google AdSense income in a matter of months), and virtually no respectable business will advertise on a site called Nanaplaza.Com. On top of that there were personal reasons. When I started this I was single and working for an insignificant company. Running a site called Nanaplaza.Com was not an issue. Several years later though my personal and professional situation had changed though and being associated with a site called Nanaplaza.Com would have been a lot more problematic. Furthermore, running a popular / busy forum takes a lot of work, so at one point I had to decide how to preoceed. Growing it would have meant spending even more time dealing with, perhaps as much as working on it full-time. Which of course would have meant I would not have been able to work anywhere else and the site should be able to fully support me and my family. At that point, I ran the numbers and I could not see any viable way for me to make even close to enough money of it. Combine that with it having to piss off my wife by spending a lot more time with BKK's nightlife and not being able to get a work permit, and the choice became pretty easy. As to why TV did flourish, this is of course speculation, but I guess it has something to do with their name and the fact they did not allow any discussions on nightlife. The first meant a steady stream of tourists finding the site (all looking for info on Thai visas) and the 2nd that it was 'safe' to browse at work and without being labeled a 'sexpat/sex tourist'. Once it had the numbers, momentum pretty much kept it going. And finally, the blackmail issue. You will have to enlighten me on this, as I have honestly no recollection of it. Sanuk!
  20. Hi, Nah, doubt it's gonna get busier Sanuk!
  21. Hi, You do realize many of those "rat-infested apartements" are owned by Trump's son-in-law, right? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjU0Ki6mffjAhUTS48KHalIA48QtwIwAHoECAUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Famericas%2Fus-politics%2Fjared-kushner-trump-baltimore-apartments-rodents-mould-maggots-a9024826.html&usg=AOvVaw076ESaqohbEGN-Xzxdiely https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjU0Ki6mffjAhUTS48KHalIA48QFjABegQIARAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2019%2F07%2F31%2Fkushner-owned-apartments-in-baltimore-are-infested-with-rodents%2F&usg=AOvVaw1o5x7pnTC0k3xNk5Y6elXO https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjU0Ki6mffjAhUTS48KHalIA48QFjADegQIBhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Flocal%2Fmd-politics%2Fjared-kushner-owns-lots-of-apartments-in-the-baltimore-area-some-infested-with-mice%2F2019%2F07%2F28%2F0d3cb754-b13b-11e9-8f6c-7828e68cb15f_story.html&usg=AOvVaw0lG4Une5HMc4qDCpvLqij8 Sanuk!
  22. Hi, >Cav, regarding your three posts on Baltimore mayors, money and the Baltimore Democratic representative :: >Please stop posting racist material. I agree. Attacking Democrats is fine (well, you know what I mean ::) ), but targeting black Democrats only makes it racist and that is not okay. Have deleted the posts. Sanuk!
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