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Everything posted by BelgianBoy

  1. He Limbo, you're on a roll here, dont stop
  2. I did..... and yes, I still like her as well despite the nearly
  3. its always easier to attack the messenger that to argue his position, according to the latest poll yesterday, his party would now have a majority in Holland.....over to you.
  4. Anyone who enjoyed the TV serie "Vikings" (and waiting for the next season), would also want to watch the brandnew series "The last Kingdom" produced by BBC America. Similar and as good. ***** BB
  5. dude, I made myself the same comment last week.......
  6. maybe to burn the odd chesthair then ?
  7. exactly. arrived yesterday, yes it warm & humid, and yes, it rained last night for an hour, but so what ? its Thailand..... I would rather be here than on the couch at home. BB only for a week
  8. Munchie posted on thursday, hence the mention.....looks like that bothered you a lot !I'll post later this week what I will watch tomorrow(tuesday) on the plane to BKK, would that be ok ? Yesterday watched San Andreas, total garbage, and the latest Terminator, well done and quite funny. BB monday
  9. and what was the 700+ killed yesterday then ?
  10. agreed, I watched it tuesday and it was worth it.....
  11. try that at the intersections in BKK !!!
  12. hmmmm bought my tickets yesterday as well......sep 30th till oct 9th, and dec 8th for 3 months, mostly in Huahin.
  13. shame on the wasted Duvel.......probably done by an ignoramus.....
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3206426/U-S-Marines-armed-gunman-onboard-high-speed-train-Amsterdam-Paris.html BB
  15. agree, except for the effects.......nothing to report....
  16. YS, why not watch a few good TV series then ? - Murder in the first = season 1 - 10 episodes + season 2 nearly complete..... - Halt & cach fire = season 1 + season near complete - The astronauts Wifes club = season 1 - Ray Donovan = season 3 a.o. BB
  17. would that not be German humor ?
  18. per night ?????as far as I know, the NNB requires 6 barfines per month, but what do i know....
  19. who the fuck cares when it comes from a nondescript clueless Thai girl
  20. specially if all those cookies are chocolate covered from the chocolate state of Brussels
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