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Underwater World Pattaya


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I can not totally agree with what you say, in certain situations with the rich Thai's if they are together with others in their own class or higher standing and not wanting to lose face then the price is not a problem, The rich Thai's still in most cases normaly do care about the prices though, I have seen personally rich Thai's that just bargain and complain about prices just the same as all the other Thais from the poor or the middle classes do, just the system here of bargaining makes them all that way I think,


I will go to this underwater world, though if I can not get in for the Thai price I will not enter the place, most places I can get in for the Thai price showing tax cards, work permits etc, I am not a cheap barstard its just a pet hate that different members of my family should pay different prices based on their race,


One place I went to that was a museum and it went like this, Thai's 50 baht and Farang's 300 baht, After complaining they said ok my Thai wife 50 baht, my daughter 100 baht, myself 150 baht, and my mother who was here on holiday full farang price of 300 baht, :doah: They thought that was a very fair thing to do and were a bit startled when I told them after much discussion we all go in for the same price or not at all, we did in the end all go in for the same price of 50 baht, think they were glad to just get rid of me in the end,


In a lot of places that charge double prices they have told me when I challenged them about the prices, it is because as a foreigner you do not pay tax here unlike the local Thai's, so showing a tax card will normally work to get in for the Thai price in most cases, its gets very frustrating to have to go through all this drama when going to these places that charge like this, If it is a government park, zoo etc I can see the tax logic in a sense but when its a private business what the hell has who has been paying their taxes got to do with it,

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KS and Dave,


While agree with you in principle I have to say that if you think this something unique to Thailand and that status doesn't matter back home then you're either seriously delusional or need to go back home more often. Status relationships exist in all societies, it's just that back home you are used to the parameters and status identities unique to back home and are uncomfortable with the way things work in Thailand because they are unfamiliar or not 'right' to you.

I disagree, I think status does matter to you that's why you are angry about being assigned a status you don't agree with. But don't just focus on the negatives. There are many positives to being a 'falang' in Thailand, it's just a matter of knowing what they are and exploiting them.

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"I disagree, I think status does matter to you that's why you are angry about being assigned a status you don't agree with."

No, I am pissed off for having to pay double. Whether or not this is linked to my 'status' is irrelevant to me.


And yes, I am aware that there is status back home, and it too pisses me off. Especially those people who seem to think they are better than me because for instance their dad has a better job than mine.




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I think you are wrong about the price, it's normal price for tourists and a discounted price for locals.


Most tourist attractions in Pattaya are built and budgeted for foreigners, without the fee they charge they would not survive, many don't anyway.


This practice is common everywhere, just go to Florida and you will see that the locals can get in to the theme parks for a discounted price.


The discount is there to encourage return traffic from the locals and will help to keep the regular price down.


In the end most Thais have to pay a lot more than the normal tourist if you convert the price in Bath to how many hours you have to work to afford an entrance ticket, that is the price you really pay.



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From what I read into this write-up in the nation, i'd say the place is owned by foreigners not Thai. particularly with the comment from the GM of the Amari enthusing as to the new place - well of course he would he stands to gain by people going to it. Interesting if its run by a Singapore company as to my knowledge Sentosa and other attractions are not charging different prices to Singaporeans and others.


Personally i think they have pitched the price a bit high but I am also sure that they will have vastly discounted rates offered to big tour operators bringing coach loads of Chinese touirsts etc. Its just the guy who rolls up on his own who's going to be paying these higher prices.



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Yes, sometimes you get lucky, but more often than not they insist on you paying the inflated price.


Besides, don't you think that 'local' should be just that? I would hardly call a person from Chiang Mai going to a themepark in Pattaya a local, would you?




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Don't think they are going to worry about the odd tourist from CM getting in for the local price as the vast majority of visitors to Pattaya are foreign tourists or BKK tourists.


Anyway I like yourself would of course like to pay the lower price but think that the odd sanuker boycotting this, or other, places will make no difference.


If you want to go then go, if not don't. But to not go if you want to go just beacause you cant stand someone paying a few $ less than you then you are just cheating yourself.

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"Don't think they are going to worry about the odd tourist from CM getting in for the local price as the vast majority of visitors to Pattaya are foreign tourists or BKK tourists."

I think you misunderstood the point. When you say it is a discount for locals to me that means 'people living in Pattaya'. Here however it means 'any Thai'. It then IMO is no longer a 'discount for locals', but rather an inflated price for foreigners.




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