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seeing her dead father


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Last trip, my GF asked me if I saw her father in the room we/I sleep in in her home in the village.

She said "I saw him after he died and my daughter just told me she saw GrandPa one time, so since you have been here so many times, i thought you would too, and that he would like to check you out".

No in such english, but pretty much what she had to say. i asked her if she meant dreaming of him, she said "NO! I told you before, he came in the room...". She did not seem unphased by the event, almost considered it normal.

I do not think "he" talked to her, but somehow she felt he was sorry for dying out on his family and wanted to make amends.

Anything you guys can relate to?

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Hi pattaya127,


Sorry to hear the bad news of your girlfriends lost :hug::angel:


I went through this with my girlfriend while up in the village, one of the families baby bull died. she was trying so hard to be strong, and not to cry in front of anyone.


But in private she did cry :angel:


paulc31 :angel::grinyes:



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Very common believe amongst the uneducated thais



A bit off-topic but I disagree totally with you. thais are extremely superstitious, many rich city people, many educated believe in the power of tattoos, amulets, etc... and placating un-benevolent spirits, or putting oneself on their good side. Absolutely where Thailand becomes a fascinating culture.....

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I still find the rural people much more superstitious than the Bangkokians. be it so the older generation would probably have the same views as they would have a more similar background to each other despite where and how they were brought up. The educated Bangkokians of today have a much more different view of their world than the rural, poorly funded cousins and thus much less superstitious!!!!!!!

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By the way, the story of my Gf and her dead father is not about superstition. It did not make any input in her life, she did not think she had to do something about it, I made the point it was rather unsurprising to her, just told me she saw her father appear to her and her daughter her Grandfather, after he died.

back to bangkokians. It would be good if others could join us in the discussion, especially expat working in thai Co or inter-acting with thais (I am curious about FlyW's take on the subject). To me, on the surface, they seem modernized, but if you enquire about fortune tellers around BKK, you will learn that many politicians, even higher rank than that, do consult them, and of course, less powerful people, still educated. same for the launching of a company, it has to happen on a certain day, same as the day for a marriage and many other imnportant occasions in their life. Not all, and maybe not the young disco crowds, but observe things around you, not everyone of these propitiation ceremonies are for show. Not really IMO, i find this subject well-documented in different medias.

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"but if you enquire about fortune tellers around BKK, you will learn that many politicians, even higher rank than that, do consult them"

Agree. There is at least one fortune teller who works in the palace. My wife went to see him once with some friends (although not in the palace).




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Hi P127,


if you enquire about fortune tellers around BKK, you will learn that many politicians, even higher rank than that, do consult them


I certainly have no problems believing that.

In fact I recall reading in Bkk post that a monitor lizzard were found in the garden of a leading politician of the opposition party.

There was big commotion due to this unfortunate event (the Hjia or monitor lizzard is believed to bring bad luck) and there was much speculation as to whether this reptile has been planted there on purpose by members of the other party ::



Hua Nguu




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