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Young Dumb Farang!


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I think the BG's are just having fun playing with the young guys that are closer to their age while they wait or look for a customer with money.


As far as worrying about these young guys.Not me!They are getting experience at a young age and have plenty of time to recover!I would be more concerned about "old farts" like me!If they fall,they might not be able to get back up!

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" The befuddled young fellow sits there stewing because he thought he was going to BF her "


I have seen this from both sides and I can tell you it's much more fun when you are on the winning side although it almost got me into a fight in Tilac one night. A regular BG of mine left a young guy to come over to sit with me, he couldn't get it into his head she prefered the older (regular, sure thing) guy, he then tried to pay the bar fine, and when that was refused, he turned nasty. At that stage the security staff had a quiet word with him and he left, looking like he was about to burst into tears. I think the young guys should serve an apprenticeship in somewhere like Amsterdam before being let loose in LOS :grinyes: Having said that, some of the 'virgin' older guys are just as bad, believing all the bullshit they are fed by the BG's they meet, some actually think they are 'Handsum men' again, and their conquests actually fancy them and not their wallet! :clown:

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I got to agree with you. I don't think age is that important of a factor in terms of getting screwed over by girls. The only thing i can see would be the immaturity of the guy but some guys never grow up or learn.


Common sense, brightness, discipline, maturity, and judgment develop quite early in a person. By the time a 20 year old arrives in BKK, he either has these traits or he doesn't. So the 40 or 50 year old guy will make the same mistakes if he is lacking in some of these areas as the 20 year.


Age is not the reason why guys screw up in LOS. Poor judgment is.....




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and their conquests actually fancy them and not their wallet!


Most guys do, even if they try to look smart or lucid about the money thing. It's a matter of self-esteem.

Just look at all the stories about BF-ing a special one, having a "regular", or snapping a girl before another guy does it, and etc..... The guys are glad the girl goes with them. If it was just paying for sex, or the feeling it is only that, there would not be any story value getting this one or that one, especially as the price of the ride is pretty much the same for everyone.

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Age is not as important as your preparation, IMHO. I first went to LOS when I was 22 (wow 15 years ago!) and my mate's 40-year-old brother showed us the ropes.


Never forget his advice: "You weren't the first and you certainly won't be the last."


I think it's worse for the naive "virgin" older guys. A few young guys just get temporarily heartbroken until they figure the game out. The older guys do the same but often blow their life savings in the process.

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Many say the age is not important and I think it is. I think at the young age thee guys engage in th P4P scene in LOS which is not the same in Tijuana or Brazil, Las Vegas, etc.


I think that when you engage with the professional women at this stage before you have had the chance to have other types of relationships it really warps your views on women and loving relationships. I thik it can really damage a young persons development in this area.

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[color:"red"] A lot of those guys will be ruined. [/color]




I generally agree with you, but wouldn't go so far as to say that the young man is ruined. I think most men go through the experience of getting burned by a woman who 'plays' them. Men who grow up in urban areas may seem less vunerable to this, but they just learn this lesson somewhat earlier in life than men from rural areas. I grew up in a large city, and had my heart broken a few times in my teen years and early 20s. I thing most men in this forum have had a similiar experience.


With respect to the bars of Thailand, the younger Western men, even the ones from urban areas, may well be hurt by some of the more hardened prostitutes in the bars. But I am sure that almost all of them will take their lumps and come out wiser and more experienced for the experience. They learn, among other things, that prostitutes or promiscuous women are seldom a good choice for a lifetime partner. It's not necessarily a bad thing to experience this; I would consider it just one of the many lessons to be learned in the journey of life.





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