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"besides these days they are all demanding tips regardless of service level."


my limited MP experience shows otherwise though. Up to you is the prevailing attitude, but sure most guys tip generously I understand. I too believe in tipping for good service & have never had any problems walking away without tipping anywhere

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I don't have a clue why anyone would go to Annie's these days. When the price was 1000B it was a reasonable option because of the location. But 1500B + 500B tip for those old dragons and such run-down facilities? I don't think so! Not when there are so many better options.

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I have to disagree. Annies has some winners here and there. What I like is the atmosphere. Annie basis her business on tipping, encouraging the girls to give better sevice. I seem to recall the girl demanding tips, was let go and or quit. Annie does not put up with her staff mistreating clients. She has been in business over 30 years, and seems to have survived. The deal here is service. I have had stunners at CPII that absolutely stunk in the service area, and were a real pain in the ass. Like any place, it is hit or miss, some times the help is better looking, sometimes not. The best time to go is around 5, more girls, better selection!

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>> I don't have a clue why anyone would go to Annie's these days.<<


I always went there because of the special grils (I think everybody remembers the famous "Lxx", now gone). These special girls has always been only a few, but IMO they were always worth the money and the experience.


IMO, in Thailand it definitely doesn't help to read a report about a place, you definitely have to target the particular girl (and IMO, there is no exception from it!).

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