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Exploding $20 USD -- trackable cash


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OCgringo said:

I wonder what the money sniffing dogs at USA airports are taught to smell ?


the ink ? or ????


What? They have dogs that just sniff money? What do they do, make you put any money you have on you on a table and the dog sniffs it? :dunno:

Or are they looking for money smugglers? :dunno:


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Or are they looking for money smugglers?,,,,,,


yep thats it , I was on a flight from LAX to Germany and they were training the dog as we got on the plane....


they put a bundle of cash in a packpack and let the guy walk to the plane , the dog sniffed around and got excited and barked.


So they are there !

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well, unless you were on the training team, you wouldn't really know what they were training the dog to detect. I would suggest that it was probably a drug sniffer and it was cocaine that was being tracked. (It is often found on $100 bills of users and dealers ::) A well trained dog can detect even that amount.


I know of know way a dog can be trained to detect normal money.And if they could wouldn't they bark at everyone with $25 in their pocket? Or can they tell how much cash you have as well. :doah: ::

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Yes, I have been questioned my self. And at the Door to the plane as well. After all there is a 50% incentive here as well :doah: The dogs also bring in an additional fear factor that may make some more nervous, and heck every once in a while they actually get one from the bottom of the gene pool carrying both cash and drugs. .


Beside airport duty is pretty cushy, much better than van stakeout. ::

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"the dog sniffed around and got excited and barked"


The pooch must have been a newbie and not yet fully trained. All the police dogs, working with the general public (in places like airports), that I have been exposed to are trained to simply sit down when they find whatever it is they are trained to alert on. This keeps things nice & calm as the police like (some regular people freak out at a barking agressive-seeming dog).




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Such a thing is within the realm of possibility, but its hard to belive that they have an infrastructure capapble of tracking money (at this time), or that thean interest in tracking something like this, that changes hands easily - how would they know who they were tracking when.


The Department of Homeland Security, with its US$40 billion budget certainly has some boondoggles in the works. Maybe someone will read about this and start the project.


I agree with LaoHuLi; its an urban myth. An interesting one, but certainly only that.

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