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GTG or hustle or ????

Tiger Moth

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soongmak said:

there are much worse agendas and mindfucks around.


Hm, interesting. Do you have some examples? I always have the idea it is about money in the end.







the simplest one is a very normal game here. girl tests her boyfriend's love. she flirts with some other bloke - he proves his love by beating the shit out the guy, and all is nice and fine (well, apart from the bloke who is in hospital...). now extend that game over to some girl who is bored by not getting enough attention from her boyfriend/sponsor/whatever.

i have known several guys who fell for some mia noi of some very powerful persons and had some real problems when it came out that they have been dabbling with the wrong man's toy.

or the conservative daughter of some powerful person who just wants to show daddy how revolutionary she can be.

or the domination games by girls which turn out a bit bonkers.


i don't wanna make anyone paranoid here, but there is a certain reason why some forms of getting to know each other have been established here, and anything out of that normal social patterns should be seen with the necessary scepticism, especially if money is not the appearant motive.

by the way, falling in love with a bargirl is one of of the established patterns - lots of thai men do that as well. and the same with us - some of the relationships work out, some don't.

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Yeah, just go witht he flow and see what hapens right?

If she asks you for thousands of baht,

you can always say no. :dunno:


Now go make yourself a big sign that says, I AM IN CHARGE AND IN CONTROL! :grinyes:

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[color:"red"] very recently such a girl told me that she had a far older foreign husband because he don't know shit, and she can do whatever she wants. poor stupid bloke.



Just met one ex-BG here who feels exactly like you mentioned above. I am trying to teach Hubby Thai and she thought I was stupid. I said "Sweetheart, you may call what-his-face a husband but you are no wife and further more you are NO partner, just a whore with a marriage license!" She was upset and went on to tell me that I did not understand her situation!!


Fly, you know that I agree with you about awful habit of many Thais, prostitutes or not, who want an instant success of money and whatever. Many feel that "farangs" is the answer for the money and many have schemes how to catch one. :(:cussing:


Many Thais talk behind my back about not wearing gold. One person, in a wedding said it loudly that I was a waste, married to a "Farang" without a stitch of gold. :(


A "farang" husband/boyfriend is the road to richness for most Thais (mind you, MOST Thais), sadly, these people look beyond age, campatibility and many other qualities for good partners.



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One falang wanted to see how faithful his girl friend is, so I said hide some condoms in his apartment. Sure enough, the condoms started disappearing - one by one.


Another falang wanted to know about his girl friend also, so I said when you leave the airport to go home, have a friend observe what goes on after you leave. Sure enough, the falang gave her money, said good bye and left. Tears rolled down her face, she looked like she had lost her best dog. When the falang was no longer in sight, she moved with the speed of a powerful feline, to meet, what looked like a designated meeting place, where she gave some of the money to a Thai man. The Thai man did not come with them and the falang was not aware she would be meeting a Thai man after he left.

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Hi Jasmine,


>>>>>>>Just met one ex-BG here who feels exactly like you mentioned above. I am trying to teach Hubby Thai and she thought I was stupid. I said "Sweetheart, you may call what-his-face a husband but you are no wife and further more you are NO partner, just a whore with a marriage license!"<<<<


I'll have you know I just spewed a whole mouthful of beer all over my com moniter. :D


That is TOO funny. You go girl! :hug:


I'm framing this post.



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>>>Just met one ex-BG here who feels exactly like you mentioned above. I am trying to teach Hubby Thai and she thought I was stupid. <<<



ha! don't we know that!

the missus got lots of shit from some other farang's wifeys because of that as well.




>>>Many Thais talk behind my back about not wearing gold.<<<


talked about exactly the same topic yesterday night with the missus while walking to the video rental. she said that lots of the women at the market said to her that she is not like other "farang's wifes" - no gold and plain dressed.

the jawdropper is usually that she tells them that she works our farm herself as well when it's harvest or planting time.

the advantage though is that she gets real respect from my thai mates here, not just for the face to make me happy.


i guess if my missus would have the urge to run around like a tasteless christmas tree showing off not existing wealth we would not be together anymore. i need a partner, not some little toy to show off with.

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