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Phone sex, did you ever?


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Now here's a poll. I never thought this would figure in my life until I was involved with a Filipina. We were apart a lot and she started this thing going by telling me what she was wearing and what she was doing (to herself or with her friend, yeah yeah I know). Needless to say it used to develop into some pretty hot traffic and definitely upped the kleenex count. Since then there have been a couple of other girls that have really got into the idea when instigated by me and they have told me afterwards that it is something they really enjoy. Since I spend loads of time in shithole places phone contact is often all I've got.


I talking about something with a girl you know and have slept with, not some BS PPW (Pay per wank) thing.



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Reminds me of one of my Baccara dancer friends, Miss Kennedy (where *did* you go dear?). She lubs my wee Panasonic GD55 telesop too mutt and always plays wid it, even going as far as putting it where it doesn't belong :o.


Well one evening I had it on vibrate to tease her. She took it with her on stage and agian held it in a strategic position ;). My mate GreekElvis proceeded to call her many times throughout the set. I think she actually came once... :up: or it was a damn fine job of faking orgasm while trying not to show that she was actually cummin' (err, got that?) .


I wonder how much GE's phone bill was that month as he was calling my Thai mobile from his Greek one LOL! :D


Does that count?




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Hmm, Maybe not quite the sort of responses I was expecting but figures given the sort we are I guess.


Just got off the phone from talking with Miss Buriram. I told her to stick the phone in her pants and rub it around a bit just so I could listen. When she told me she wasn't wearing any, a normal occurence, things went from bad to worse. Excellent.



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