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? yes that's what I thought too!


But then I realised that this was the word I have been looking for, the expression of feeling that is exhibited towards me and my kind in my society and other like societies.


For the majority of my life I have been moulded and trained, coerced and enveigled to treat the breasted members of our specie with respect and care. To afford them the opportunity of the equal and my help and support in areas where they are not as equal (physical strength for example).


And yet throughout my life I have also experienced a definite feeling that all I was in this regard was not what was required. Despite my intelligence and attention to the oft required respect, equality and sensitiveness to their feelings, I found that more often than not, in the game of love, I was left at a standing start, by brutes with a complete lack of regard for women. Morons whose idea of consideration for women was letting them up for a breather when getting a blowjob in a spa pool.


So having learnt to respect and care, and still needing my oats as a young man, I developed the art of being sensitive and caring to such a level that I was able to succeed at sex and even sometimes love.


For those readers that may empathize with the above I am guessing you come from a western democratic - pro feminist country.


But still in society I was not getting any feeling of self worth, of having succeeded at life and this despite apparent success at work and at home. So I've spent some years trying to find out why.


I discovered women from Asia some many years ago and along with that discovery I found some personal wealth in that the women in question thought I was of value. And yet my society exhibited none of that perceived value.


I was branded a racist by my society's women who saw me with asian women, I think it was Jerry Seinfield who said "how can I be racist if I like them?" or words to that effect.


I was branded a mysogynist by the same women, again how could this be if I like them?


So after many years of playing with terms like "femi nazi" and "fat and ugly", I have come to the conlusion that it might just not be me that's the problem, it could be that there are a large proportion of my society's women that can be termed "Misandrists", those who hate or dislke men.


It's a terrible conclusion to come to and I feel that I've betrayed my years of training and indoctrination.


I therefore invite the politically correct and the Misandrists to better address me as a Philogynist.


The word meaning 'love of or liking for women', which could be better regarded as the opposite of misogyny, is philogyny.


And on a non related theme Mysogyny does seem to exist in some force as in

"Get the Top 10 Most Popular Sites for "misogyny"" found on a search engine.





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What a great post.


I am so tempted to print this out and stick it on the notice board at work - the trouble is they'd know bloody well it was me, since I'm off to LOS at the weekend..


I do think that most people agreed that sex discrimination was wrong. I'm talking about the "same job, less wages " situation here. So the advent of sexual equality wasn't necessarily a bad thing.


Where it all went wrong was when that new-found power started to be abused ( as power of any kind invariably does )


It took me back to my one year at university (before I dropped out), some friends and I decided to do a little "social experiment".

As there was at the time a :

  • Women's Group
  • Lesbian's Group
  • Black Person's group
  • Black Womens Group

...(you get the idea),

so we decided to ask the university if we could set up a "White Men's Society", just for a laugh.

Suffice it to say that our request did not go down too well...accusations of racism, homophobia, and sexism abounded - all of which were evident in the existing groups, by their very nature.


Needless to say, the group never got off the ground, but we had a good laugh over some beers.



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Reply to coss:




ok....but you risk fuelling the stereotype.... we men who cant hack it in love bail out to asia (or to asian women at least) where the women dont know what rejects we are...can you live with that?..guess you can!

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"..........that Coss had a lot of time on his hand to write a longer one than most."


Interesting coming from a guy with 11,000+ posts, and certainly more interesting and well writte than most of your posts.


Coss, :up: on a sject close to my heart. I'd love to spend 48 hours discussing this subject over beers.

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Listen, i admit i over-reacted over Coss's post, it's just that I am not in sync with the whole "look what they did to me!" thing, and putting genders on 2 opposite of a fence.


I also find that we should never let others, gender, country, friends, box us in so we have them to blame conveniently for our shortcoming or lack of self-esteem. I am just like anyone, i do have problems with things in the west, but I don't blame anyone for myself. I always had and have 2 legs, 2 arms, and a brain to use to move on or do something about it. My problem if i let it get to me and ruin part of my life.


At least, for a lot of us, living in the west allowed us to discover Thailand and find another side of ourselves unexplored. All things come to fruition once you make a step to take a hold of your life.

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That's a bunch of PC nonsense. Are you saying that Coss dosn't have a valid point? If you took a poll of men living in Asia, or those who have visited Asia numerous times (not just the sex tourists) what do you think their opinion would be? Is it an excuse to rise the issue?


I realize this topic my not be as entertaining to you as top ten lists of or what defines an expat, but it's certainly close to most men's hearts and minds. Or, the one's that are not the understanding renaisance men.


Pussy whipped?

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