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Ever wonder why so many Katoeys in LOS?

Lamock Chokaprret

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open to the deabte, but IMO, both types of trans tend to identify with the overall same trans fixation. Some went all the way, some not, more about timing and individual decision than a difference of "gender". The psychology of being trapped in a defined sexual role as a boy is the same.


Also, some go thru psychological stations in their total change. From gay to trans, then trans to "full woman". I mean, even for them, it's a big fucking decision to go under the knife! I am sure some pre-op become "men again".


I met this thai trans who said his family went with his transgenderism, but would not accept he goes post-op.


No, OH, I did not sleep with him/her. i do not seek their company expressly but I find gays and trans should not be ostracized, PLUS: are a good way to meet women upcountry. This is exactly what happened to me in Ubon in March.... and she was cute and we had a great week together. Thank you katoeys!

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Cent said:

One thing I think may come into play here is that a lot of the children do seem to be taken care of by families that have no males as role models for the kids. A lot of families consist of women taking care of the children. The men are gone, either working for long periods away from the family, have deserted the family, have gone to live with their mia noi, or been killed in an accident. There seem to be many soley female family units. Single mothers with Grannie and a couple sisters or female cousins living together. Without the male role models I think a lot of the young boys may become confused in their identity in their early years, especially if they are of an effeminate nature to begin with, surrounded by nothing but women in their formative years. Hence some gender confusion, which may, as you point out, be exaggerated by the women putting on make-up and such feminine stuff in play on the cute young boys.

This is an interesting suggestion but why does it make a difference in Thailand? In urban USA, there are a lot of families with no father present as role model. Very prolific in ghettos of the US. You don't see the ghettos as a breeding ground for transvestites, or gays either for that matter, in higher concentration than more economically vital areas of the community.


Guess my original question was to get to the heart of the cause. Is this truly genetic (which scientists say is the basis of the gay lifestyle) or is it some sort of subtle environmental issue? Are Thais different either of these respects?


No one doubts the acceptance of this "difference" among Thais. Does this added acceptance make the occurance more common?


And still, what of the older katoeys?

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Does this added acceptance make the occurance more common?


This is a rich world when it comes to behaviour. There are a few studies, books that speak of that, for Thailand and other south-east asian countries. Though it may look like a margin behaviour to be a katoey, i think thais did not have 2000 years of christian morality weighing on them, and what was supposed to be a sin against nature, a deviation, for centuries and was reprimanded or ostracized. There is no such reprimands in Thailand, even frowning will not be an interdict.


When you know your culture/society is not going to stone you, lock you, and put a guilt trip on you, it sure helps to live out one's special sexuality.


Another point, relating to all that, is that thais are thais, their ou and inner look at sexuality is not quite the same as us. Or at least, was not for much of their history. So you still see remnanats of that. Especially as it comes to role play and rigidity of thought (the other rigidity is samesame :D) about sexuality. this changes the moral stance and repulsions against marginal choices, as well.


The fact is, katoeys and sex changes may be few, but are not marginalized, really. And more than in US or Europe have acquired celebrity status.

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"Is this truly genetic (which scientists say is the basis of the gay lifestyle) or is it some sort of subtle environmental issue? Are Thais different either of these respects?


In another post, I mentioned that there are 3 types of chromosomes - one for males, one for females, and another now called by some as intersex. It seems that the later group, intersex, has, over the centuries been surpressed. In Thailand, I suspect this suppression has not occurred, or if it has, it has been on a small scale.


Thais tolerate lady boys, whereas reading what many falangs have written on this board, I feel many have bad feelings for this group. Prejudice? Maybe.

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MightyMouse said:

In another post, I mentioned that there are 3 types of chromosomes - one for males, one for females, and another now called by some as intersex. .


Nope. Still "X" and "Y". Can have variations within and incorrect # of copies (polyploidy and aneuploidy), but still only 2 types.

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I was once talking to a Thai mate of mine and the same subject came up. His belief was that weaker boys are often picked on at school and taking the role of a katoey brought them relief from being beat up. For the record he was uni educated and not a katoey.


I had the same feeling as Cent pointed out in a previous post that being raised mainly by women watching them groom and how they act might have something to do with a boy turning in to a katoey.


Does katoey equal homosexual? I don't know. I have the feeling getting enjoyment from sucking dick or getting poked in the backside would be genetic not acquired. Survival may play a role.


On a different note I once lived in a small apartment building in the north and in the back were a couple of rooms shared by a group of katoeys, homely ones at that. During the day they had a steady stream of customers mostly Asian (non Thai). At night they had mostly Thai customers. I don't recall ever seeing a Farang customer.

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