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The ravages of drinking too much alcohol


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Even though some studies show benefits of moderate alcohol, doctors will never prescribe or recommend it because of the risks of addiction and alcoholism.

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  • 11 months later...



Heard the son on the public radio channel right after his book came out about life with Daddy. He told some real horror stories during the interview, which was an hour long and where he read parts of the book on air. I'll have to buy it and read it, although it sounds pretty damned depressing a read. He relates many stories there about Burrough's poet/beat buddies as well. Interesting stuff. These guys were totally whacked and out of control. Serious drug and alcohol use for many decades. Some very sad stories of some very talented fucked up people.



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"A DRINKING LIFE" by Pete Hamill, the popular newspaper collumnist and writer is really incisive autobiography that takes a hard look at how families pass the traditions of drinking along to their sons and daughters.


I've never really been a drinker, did the usual shit in High School and college, but hated the sensation of being drunk and didn't particularly like the taste of booze. It was always a struggle in a social situation when I had to come up with a drink to order.


Now, into my third year predominatly in Thailand, I find it a rare day that doesn't end with a roster of four to eight drinks consumed; It's not that I like it that much more than I ever did, but social schedules, like meeting friends at Big Dogs or Golden, playing a couple of rounds of pool, hitting where ever for dinner, then Nana or Soi Cowboy; checking out the GoGo's, leads to a quiet adding-up at nights end; "How'd I spend 2000 baht" I wonder, then start counting. Yes, I try to order nam soda's, 7-up and cola, but for some reason, after two or three, they start tasting shitty and don't go down well, unlike alcohol drinks which for some reason just seem to go down one right after another.

Do I have a "problem" yet? Clinicaly, no, but I used to have a hard time understanding how people slid into alcoholism, now I know.

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"Heard the son on the public radio channel right after his book came out about life with Daddy. He told some real horror stories during the interview, which was an hour long and where he read parts of the book on air. I'll have to buy it and read it, although it sounds pretty damned depressing a read. He relates many stories there about Burrough's poet/beat buddies as well. Interesting stuff. These guys were totally whacked and out of control. Serious drug and alcohol use for many decades. Some very sad stories of some very talented fucked up people."


Good sum up! Not sure wether his book has been reedited, the son has died quite a few years ago. For people interested in the topic but not much into reading, "The Naked Lunch" from Cronenberg is an interesting movie inspired by William Burroughs' life and a couple of his novels. Funny his name comes up today as I was thinking about Exterminator, one of his books, a couple of days ago.


A disgression about the same guy, which was one of my fav writers during high scholl. We had free choice reading sessions in litterary class, and I came up readind a passage of "Wild boys" where it describes a harsh gay fucking session, with dialogs along "como perros" lines. Still have fun remembering the faces of the 15 y o students. had to shake them up a little!


Some harcore writer for sure.

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Did anyone ever tell you why alcohol caused your feet to go numb? I did not realize that too much alcohol would do that.

In Swedish this is called drunken legs. It can be delayed or even avoided by an intake of large quantities of vitamin B.





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