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I finally got something


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Not to make light of the situation, but this is funny and I had to share and this seems to be an appropriate place...


In San Francisco, there's an easy way to tell your sex partners you have an STD. Send them a free inSPOT e-card, ANONYMOUSLY or from your email address, right here.

No information will be reported to any government or private agency. Please respect the community and don't use these cards to spam.


Tell Them

Tell your tricks, hookups, ex's, boyfriends and partners they may have been exposed to an STD.




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I got viral conjunctivitis (red eye) doing a good deed. A cashier at a bar had been off the previous day and her boss had forced her back to work. She was in such distress that I barfined her, gave her some money for the doctor and sent her on her way. I'm sure that was where I picked it up.


So no anti-biotics as viral. Just some drops and plenty of them. I was out of action for about 2 weeks in total.


This can be water borne as well and a lot of the ST places we know do indeed have this bucket for showers etc.

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I got conjunctivtus bilateral(both eyes) after returning from Angeles City once. The doc prescribed antibiotics and it was clear soon after. He also told me conjuctivitus (infection of the white part of the eye, otherwise known as 'pinkeye') is extremely contaigious but not serious and most cases clear up on there own after a few days, regardless of type of infection(viral or bacteria). As posted above, antibiotics are useless for viral infections. Difficult to tell where I got it, if someone looks at you wrong you can probably get it, but I think I got it from the hotel pool (sunset gardens).Because pinkeye is so contaigious it's difficult to determine how you contracted it but towels are definately a prime source.

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  • 2 months later...
I know this sounds really elemental, but one should always wash your hands both before and especially right after sex. Think of how often, probably nearly a hundred times a day we unconciously rub our eyes, pick our nose and touch our mouths.


As DDD says, it's easy to get stuff on your hands, including when removing your condom. If you touch your eyes or nose, you can pass along an infection. If you have a herpes outbreak, touching your dick and then your eye can lead to a disaster.


While washing your hands is a great idea, and you can probably never do that too often, it isn't always convenient. There are plenty of antiseptic handrubs available now. They are quick & easy to use, and have various fragrances. Keeping a bottle next to the bed makes it simple to use. Purell is the expensive label, but most big stores have their own house brand, including Albertson's/Sav-On/Osco Instant Hand Sanitizer, RiteAid Hand Sanitizer, and Germ-X, available from WalMart. The latter is dirt cheap at $4.35 for over a liter. The ingredients are several types of alcohol and moisturizers, plus fragrance. You put a glop in your hands, and then rub them until dry. Your first thought is that you have a greasy mess, but it all soon evaporates, and smells OK, too. You can tell your sweetie it is special sex cream or something. It can't hurt to use the stuff before you do the deed, as well.


Shaking hands is another way to get infected, or at least catch colds or the flu. One secret there is to always use the other, non-shaking, hand when touching your eye or nose.

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God yes! Hand sanitizers, I'm currently working in Sudan and I glad-hand a lot of people daily in the field. Jesus it's like have the runs permanently, hand sanitizers really help keep the spreading of nasties down all around. Also eating the placenta of a newborn will protect you from various illnesses but that's a little :topic:

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