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Penalties for Child Porn


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I used to be in pringint and publising, and find the web and publications very similar, except newspapper books etc just can;t say whatever and expect to be sold everywhere, and expect to be imune from the law.


The web on the other hand, has many defenders claiming "You can;t censure it".


Sorry - you can, but most countries till know didn;t want to be seen to stiffle the growing "IT" industry.


If a newsagent sells porn, he gets busted along with the publisher and printer.


I see no reason why the web wont end up the same



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I agree, this thread is about the crime of child porn, which any sane person finds abhorrent.



I'll try to get this in a new thread before my interneyt card expires. In the meantime...


Separate issue raised by the discussion is who gets to censor the internet. One man's crime is another man's 2 weeks of sex tourism.


The slippery slope is where we draw the line. You've apparently drawn it, at the very least, at child porn.


Got anything else you wanna block today?


That's good, because there are plenty of others who WOULD like to tell you a few more things that you should not be allowed to do or say.


Like the government of a certain country in SEA saying you shouldn't be allowed to drink whatever you want because the clock has gone past some arbitrarily defined time.


Or fundamentalists of many colors saying who you can have sex with and what the penalties will be for doing other than they say.


BTW, CBK, none of this is directed at you personally. I just see censorship as an extremely unpredictable 2-edged sword.


There's a lot of gray area between the world of Nigel and the world of the Taliban. Most people pitch their tent somewhere in the midst of the fog. Some will always lie much closer to one camp than the other.


The Nigel thing: even there, on this board, we had a lot of "what he does is disgusting/perverted/criminal. He should be fucking Isaan women and treating them with at least the level of respect that I give them".


Sorry this is so disjointed, but I think my time's about to run ou

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Nervous_Dog said:

I used to be in pringint and publising, and find the web and publications very similar, except newspapper books etc just can;t say whatever and expect to be sold everywhere, and expect to be imune from the law.


The web on the other hand, has many defenders claiming "You can;t censure it".


Sorry - you can, but most countries till know didn;t want to be seen to stiffle the growing "IT" industry.


If a newsagent sells porn, he gets busted along with the publisher and printer.


I see no reason why the web wont end up the same



Good post, and you said it better than I could have. My feelings also.
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thai3 said:


Not illegal everywhere surely so how to police it? A quick check on age of consent around the world shows it as low as 12 for girls in some countries and in one as high as 21, so whose laws are right?-peter

Thats where the ISP should come into it, there are located in your own country. You don't need people checking every line. Sofisticated software can do that job today, block sites with nude pics of kids. Thats how the cops search and shut down kiddie porn WEB sites.
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check_bin_krap said:

[You don't need people checking every line. Sofisticated software can do that job today, block sites with nude pics of kids.

Pretty naive. Of course you do. I am sure (tho' have no firsthand experience) that these guys do not label their pix "naked12yearoldgivingablowjob.jpg". So just how do you expect software to find these offensive pix? Computers & software are NOT smart enough (nor are a lot of humans) to look at pix and determine if it is a porno pix or if the subject is of legal age, *especially* if only looking at the title.


Hence the problem with censorship. The is NO WAY to take the human factor out of it. And as KK said, in that case, who gets to decide what is legal? Who looks at all the pix? Where? Who's gonna pay for it?




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I'm looking for an upside from the recent arrest of over 500 people here in Oz for kiddie porn - it will create vacancies in a number of industries. I'm betting that there are a few middle-managers who havent appeared at their desks after Friday's raids.


I'm not trying to make light of the exploitation of children, but anyone silly enough to supply their credit card details when participating in a criminal act is way too dumb to live. When one of them was a *cop* (not the force's brightest individual...), it boggles the mind.


He, and at least 3 others, have done society a favour and topped themselves. Every pollie in the country is puffing out his chest and vowing to make the penalties for downloading child porn tougher (WA wants a ten-year jail sentence). Given the attitude of the general prison population toward 'rock spiders', I suspect that the current 2 year sentence is something akin to a death sentence anyway, and how many jails will we need to build to house these people if they are convicted ?


I also question the continual sexualisation of 'tweenies' (pre-pubescent children) by the advertising industry. Many of the same mothers who tearfully removed their children from the childcare centre of one of the men caught in the sting would happily enter them in a 'cute kid' competition. Lets dress our kids up like Britney and parade them around town ....

Suicide Watch for Child Porn Accused

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artiew said:I also question the continual sexualisation of 'tweenies' (pre-pubescent children) by the advertising industry...


I'll second that. :cussing: In Japan, am I the only bloke who feels extremely uncomfortable continually being bombarded with media images of wee girls of 6-16 years old paraded around in full make-up, leather mini-skirts and high heeled boots, aping the sexy dance routines of this month's maturer trendy pop acts, advertising cookies and karaoke? :doah: (example 1) (example 2: this bird's 15)


Their parents just don't seem to get it. :banghead: And magazines full of 20 year-old-but-looks-14 birds dressed in high-school uniforms. :nono: And then they're all shocked and righteous :angel: when these desperate old 'hentai' (perverted!) dudes get arrested for offering schoolgirls brass for a blowjob or a quick shag in Tokyo. :(


Check up from the neck up clearly needed in some quarters. :clown:


jack :help:

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My problem with the penalties is that if you are going to give 10years for downloading such material how many years should be given for actual sexual abuse, production of kiddie porn, rape murder etc?


I don't see why anyone would not want this sort of material blocked on the internet.

All our movies are censored to some extent via a classification system or indeed completely censored if material is deemed inappropriate.


As for the argument that those who download porn will take the next step well I don't buy this.

Plenty of people download adult porn and never get involved with prostitutes or any part of the adult sex industry.


I do agree however that by downloading kiddie porn they are creating a market for further exploitation of minors but then if these sites were filtered we could minimise this problem.

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