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Britons jailed for drug smuggling


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[color:"red"]Harry Palmer says "why feel sorry for these people?

do any of you people see the devastation that drugs cause?

it's about time all countries used the death penalty for drug dealers, good riddance ! [/color]


This board fucking amazes me sometimes with all the hypocracy whirling around.


So "druggies" are bad, but "whoremongers" and industialised prostitution is OK?


"Druggies" should die, but "whoremongers" should get easier easier visa privlidges?


Drugs and druggies cause social devastation, but fueling the prostitution industry is like charity work?


And on the flip side as one poster would have us believe, white drug mules overtly flaunting well-known local laws should receive no more than six years in jail, but brown demonstrators exercising their constitutional right to protest should be rounded up and slaughtered like animals?


Not that I really give two shits, but with all this flip-flopping going on around here you'd think we were at the beach.

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I do have some sympathy for the weak willed idiots who get hooked on crack, heroin or cocaine, the real villains are the dealers who peddle this crap. I think all dealers caught in possession of narcotics should be injected with their total inventory, it would get rid of both heaps of shit simultaneously.

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and where the fuck do you propose that us non-addicted occasional users should go to get our dope?

you alcoholics can legally get your drug of choice in any supermarket. speak of "fair"...

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You should re read my post, I did not mention 'dope,' by which I presume you mean cannabis. Personally I think cannabis causes no more harm than tobacco and should be legalised and made available for controlled sale, (but not promoted) as tobacco is in the UK. This would break the supply chain to the sellers of the drugs I was referring to. These were the class A narcotics i.e. crack cocaine, etc. which are the cause huge problems in society.

My own house has been broken into twice, both times by smack heads looking for money to buy their next fix. My business suffered a 400% increase in shoplifting when a drug rehab centre opened across the road, thankfully, this has now moved, taking the theft problem with it, supprise supprise. Drug related gun crime has now reached epidemic proportions in the city centre near to where I live, and I don't live in what would normally be considered a 'bad' area.

I don't think hard drugs have a legitimate place in society, and IMO hard drugs and the vermin peddling them should be removed from society, preferably on the end of a rope.

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actually, no, i did not just mean cannabis, i mean all drugs. there is a difference between use and abuse. i believe that all drugs should be made legal. and of course benefits and dangers of the particular drugs should be openly talked about.


i understand the examples you have talked about, they are examples of abuse of drugs, and crime to support a habit of artificially far too expensive drugs due to the illegality and price control of crime syndicates. a result of keeping drugs illegal.


people have a choice. is every user of alcohol an alcoholic? no. but alcohol, if abused, is a very hard drug, leading to physical and psychological dependency. and it costs everyday far more lives than all other drugs combined. i think every rescue worker and ambulance driver can confirm my statement.

as most users of alcohol can control their habit very well, so could users of other substances if open debate and discussion would be possible.

am i a "waster" just because i enjoy every few months using a substance? i don't think so. i do make enough money to be able to afford that every few months easily - no need for me to rob anyone. ;)

i am old enough to decide for myself what is good or bad for me, and know to carry responsibility for my family. i don't need patronising laws to control me, i can do that myself.



>>>Drug related gun crime has now reached epidemic proportions in the city centre near to where I live, and I don't live in what would normally be considered a 'bad' area.<<<



is that really "drug related" crime, or is it oppressive laws related crime? would you have "drug related" crime if drugs would be legally sold with a garanteed quality control?

would you have crime syndicates get filthy rich from the drugtrade if governments tax drugs as with alcohol, tobacco and coffee?


would you propose to make mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes and certain other herbs illegal? bit difficult as they grow everywhere, but you can make potent drugs out of all of them.


the anti-drug laws all over the world are one of the biggest crimes against humanity today, costing hundred thousands of lives every year. these laws support the existence of crime syndicates.


what do you think leaders of crime syndicates and the anti drug lobby agree upon? to keep drugs illegal.


and who has to pay for it?

the drug farmers who get paid closed to nothing for their product. the users who are always risking jail and persecution. the parents whose children slip into abusing drugs without anyone ever having taught them that it is OK to use drugs, but not to abuse them. the normal people who have to life in neighborhoods riddled with "drugrelated crime". the addicts whose life is made a misery instead of getting their drug of choice prescribed as a medication.



drugs have been part of humanity since its earliest roots. drugs were used for religious/spiritual purposes. drugs were entertainment. drugs were used for their medical properties. drugs were used to treat mental disorders.


the west has introduced the more negative properties of drugs for profiteering - the brits have forced china after the opium wars to allow opium into china.

and now the west has started their drug wars.

all in the interests of the powers, against the well being of the people.


don't you see the many hypocracies in the drug laws?


here in thailand cannabis products are part of the culture, why are they suddenly illegal? what harm does responsible use of cannabis do?


anyhow, end of rant. ;)

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Harry, no one puts a gun to peoples heads and says take heroin, take cocaine, take ecstacy or weed. Its being going on since time began. Some people fall by the wayside ( especially with opiates) just as some people become old soaks on the park bench, who are you say to say a grown man or woman cant take heroin.


Let people take responsiblity for themselves, lets not kill people for supplying what other people want. I personally think money lenders/pawnbrokers, ambulance chasing lawyers are worse that a drug dealer who supplies cocaine or heroin they are all as morally bankcrupt.



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Guest lazyphil

If you have child do you want him/her to have a choice to buy drugs outside the school gates?.....its enough to worry about a child once they leave the front door, the pestilence of drug dealers is one less thing to concern parents, of course off lilences and tobacconists are a problem too, so are shops who sell high fat foods, lets start on one thing at a time.

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'don't you see the many hypocracies in the drug laws?'

To be honest, yes I do, but I don't know how you could draft a law that would allow the odd responsible user to feed their addiction without causing chaos in the rest of society, other than registration and prescription, that might work provided illicit suppliers were eradicated.

Regarding cannabis, I have already stated I don't have a problem with the responsible use of that.

Regarding hard drugs, how many responsible crack heads have you ever come across? all the ones I have had the misfortune to cross paths with have been feckless parrasites robbing the communities they inhabit.

Regarding the analagy some have made to alcohol, if as many people took crack as took a drink then society as we know it would no longer exist.

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