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Britons jailed for drug smuggling


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'pawnbrokers, ambulance chasing lawyers are worse that a drug dealer who supplies cocaine or heroin'


I would rather my son/daughter pawned their birthday present than spent their pocket money on a rock of crack


I reallity, the first score is usually a freebie, the savings go next, then comes the pawning, then the borrowing, followed by thieving as they decend into a twilight world of filth and despair.


Put your brain in gear, not everyone has the strength / intellegence to refuse, weak individuals need protection from themselves.

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>You are a pimp/plain and simple.<


I would think that an owner of a bar ought to be able to post his opinion here (an opinion which i disagree with btw), without having to put up with with self riteous personal attacks.


Have you ever taken a girl from a bar? If so then you are up to your eyeballs just as much as anyone in the prostitution scene.

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I understand well your arguments about pricing going down and syndicates disappearing. But would have to be concerned about legalizing cocaine, crack etc.


Tobacco is legal, its marketed and millions are addicted.


Alcohol the same.


What would happen if crack is legal? Its ten times or a hundred times more addictive then smokes and alcohol. A person takes one hit and everything is changed, takes it a few days in a row and there ain't no going back.

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lazyphil said:

If you have child do you want him/her to have a choice to buy drugs outside the school gates?.....its enough to worry about a child once they leave the front door, the pestilence of drug dealers is one less thing to concern parents, of course off lilences and tobacconists are a problem too, so are shops who sell high fat foods, lets start on one thing at a time.



yeah, take all the fun out of life. have only healthfood, no cigarettes, no loud music, no condomless sex even in marriages... ::

what would you prefer? your child decides one day to take drugs, and then decides to buy them from a licensed dealer in a clean quality, gets at the same time informed about the dangers as well. or that your child buys drugs from a streetdealer, shit quality, no information on proper use?

of course you don't want your child taking drugs, but after a certain age this is *not* your decision anymore.

i think as a responsible parent you would wish that if you child takes decides to take drugs you want your child to take them in a way which do have as little negative effects as possible. and that can only happen if drugs are taken out of the illegality.

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You should re read my post, I did not mention 'dope,' by which I presume you mean cannabis. Personally I think cannabis causes no more harm than tobacco and should be legalised and made available for controlled sale,



Arai Na???? tobacco and alcohol are two big killers, don't ya know that???


For cannabis I only know it stinks worse than tobacco, and I know, believe me, I have to vomit every day (well not in Chumpon at least, but right now here in farangland)

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>>>To be honest, yes I do, but I don't know how you could draft a law that would allow the odd responsible user to feed their addiction without causing chaos in the rest of society, other than registration and prescription, that might work provided illicit suppliers were eradicated.<<<



actually - a responsible user is not addicted. a responsible user knows the dangers and benefits of particular drugs, especially what effects they have on his individual sythem. and uses those drugs accordingly, and occasionally.

and addict has to be treated, has to get his drug in medical supervision on prescription.

just look at the methadone program. it's a joke. methadon is a highly addictive drug, which does not have the benefit of giving the addict the necessary replacement of his seratonin. so, just out of PC an addict is given a highly addictive drug to replace another which would be far better for him if given by a doctor.


legalisation of drugs should be in a controlled, step by step way. why should it cause chaos in societies? if one wants drugs he will get them, legal or illegal. what causes the chaos is that drugs are illegal.



>>>Regarding hard drugs, how many responsible crack heads have you ever come across? <<<


would you recognise one if you would come across one?

if a grown up person is a responsible user he does not look any different than anybody else. he keeps his drugs out of his professional life, does not allow drugs to interfere with his other priorities. not every drug user is emaciated, dirty and half crazed.

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>>>Put your brain in gear, not everyone has the strength / intellegence to refuse, weak individuals need protection from themselves. <<<



i disagree.

weak individuals who cannot be part of our competitive societies need their drugs given in a way that it does not affect the rest of society as it does now.

they need to be able to live a humane life, without prisons as a punishment for their weakness.




>>>I reallity, the first score is usually a freebie, the savings go next, then comes the pawning, then the borrowing, followed by thieving as they decend into a twilight world of filth and despair.<<<


that comes because drugs are kept in the illegality, are kept artificially expesive. one would not need to steal if drugs were given to addicts on prescription, one would not disappear in filth..

it is a question of choice. drugs are nowadays easily available - if one wants drugs - he will get them. a responsible person uses a drug so that it does not interfere with the far more important priorities in life, he makes enough money that he will not need to get into crime to afford his occasional drugs. an addict will do whatever it takes. restrictive laws are no hindrance.

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>>>What would happen if crack is legal? Its ten times or a hundred times more addictive then smokes and alcohol. A person takes one hit and everything is changed, takes it a few days in a row and there ain't no going back. <<<



i don't think so.

drugs are just drugs. every drug has particular dangers, and one needs to be properly informed about them. it's like a hammer - one can use it to built a house, or to smash somebody's head in. individual choice.

it is the individual who allows himself to be addicted, and to get there other factors than the particular substance are far more responsible. fear to face life is usually a very common trait in addicts.


i am very open about the fact that i do enjoy so called "hard drugs" once a while. i do know about the dangers. that means that i use them rarely, once every few months, at a moment when i have no pressure, when i am generally happy. i do draw benefits out of them, i want to avoid the negative aspects as much as possible.

everyday on drugs, sorry, but not for me. the "high" will lose it's intensity, i couldn't deal with things far more important to me anymore. i just like to take an occasional holiday from myself, step out of myself, and look at things from a different perspective. and then i need a few months to work out what i have learned.

the same way i do occasionally like to be drunk. at home i do never drink alcohol. if a guest wants to drink alcohol they have to bring their own alcohol around.

how many people, especially in bangkok or pattaya, do you know who are drunk almost every day, crawling with a hangover to their jobs? is that a healthy, responsible way of living? i don't think so.

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