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arthroscopic knee surgery in BKK?


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Has anyone had arthroscopic knee surgery in Bangkok? I have decided to have this procedure done after getting several recommendations here in New York City. However, I plan to be in BKK in January and am wondering how much cheaper it would be there. And how good the care would be.


Does anyone have any recommendations or experiences to offer?


Khun Pad Thai

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In BKK, Bumrangrad hospital is the likely choice for the procedure, but I'm certain that the costs would be _much_ more than I paid for arthroscopic knee surgery (torn medial meniscus in L knee) at the Queen Sirikit Navy hospital, in Sattahip (24-km south of Pattaya). Although this is a Thai hopsital, anyone can go and they will pay only Thai prices.

I had the procedure performed in August 2002, and am quite satisfied with the results.

As I'm also a doc, I interviewed the surgeon at length before consenting to the procedure and was quite happy and surprised: He is a Navy Captain and MD, who in addition to his Thai medical education had post grad work at the Univ of Pittsburg med school and completed his Sports Med diplomate at Johns Hopkins med school (Johns Hopkins is one of the top 3 training med schools in the US). Always interview whomever will be working on you and determine his/her education and specialty, as well as the number of times he/she has performed the same procedure you are having done!!

The operating theater at Sirikit had the latest equipment for arthroscopic procedures.

I opted for a spinal block (numbs all below the pelvis) rather than a general anesthetic, so I could be conscious and could view the operation (on the monitor).

Post-op I opted for a private room (800-Bt), with my GF at the time, for the one night overstay before release.

Total cost, for _everything_...including the anestheologist, surgeon, support staff, surgical disposables, room, food and all meds was a mere 14,500-Bt !!!

One very important consideration to arthroscopic surgery is the post-op rehabilitation. If you are not conscientious about doing the rehab work, the results may well be less than satisfactory. And, _proper_ rehab will likely take months, depending on what the surgery was correcting. Just because _you_ feel there is no pain or apparent loss of strength or movement does _not_ mean that you are completely rehabbed!!

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Thanks for the information! I have just the same diagnosis from two orthopedists here in New York. One of the docs here emphasized the importance of the physical therapy so I plan to be very diligent about it. Here it is a hospital "ambulatory" procedure so they sedate you rather than giving a general anaesthetic and send you home afterwards. That's just as well since a bed iin a NY hospital costs USD 1200 to 3200 per night. However, I can't even find out the cost of the operation, hospital charges and anesthesiologist here because no one will tell me! My insurance would pay some unclear, but presumably high percentage of the cost if in network. If I do it in Thailand they will pay 70% after the USD 200 deductible. So it could end up costing me a little more in Thailand, but I find dealing with American medicine so exasperating that I will be happy to go abroad.


I do have a couple of questions: How long did it take you to recover full function, including sports, and would you be so kind as to PM me the name of your surgeon in Sattahip? I found a surgeon at Bumrungrad, but your deal sounds better.

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Thanks for the recommendation, Lopburi3. I will call them. Do you have any experience with Anantamahidol Hospital in Lopburi City? Since my wife's family lives in Praputtabat, a hospital in that area would be ideal.


Khun Pad Thai

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I had orthoscopic surgery 2+ years ago, in USA. Did o.k. but still not 100% cured... :( Currently awaiting a new procedure called Genzyme or Genome something like that, basically they are going to grow me a new cartlidge then put it in orthoscopically. Awaited board approval now from UCSF...


Friend of mine had his knees done (iorthoscopicallyu) at BKK nursing home, another at BKK General.

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KhunPadThai said:

...<snip>.. However, I can't even find out the cost of the operation, hospital charges and anesthesiologist here because no one will tell me!

I do have a couple of questions: How long did it take you to recover full function, including sports, and would you be so kind as to PM me the name of your surgeon in Sattahip? I found a surgeon at Bumrungrad, but your deal sounds better.



I think it might cost around $4K-US, plus any rehab. You can see a phys therapist to learn what exercises to do and do it yourself...or pay to have continuous visits with the PT if you won't self motivate.

I was comfortable taking _long_walks everywhere after a few weeks, but it took me a while before I felt comfortable jogging/running. I hate jogging, but felt it necessary to further strengthen the muscles. I only jog on the golf course, chasing after my (golf) balls. It took me about 6-mos before I felt comfortable jogging. If I'd been more diligent about doing my own rehab, surely recovery whould have been sooner ;-)


Info on the doc, etc:

When I initially went to Sirikit Hospital, I requested to see an Orthopedic doc.X-rays were taken and his exam verified what I thought I already kenw, that I had a slightly torn medial meniscus in my L knee. I was then scheduled for

arthroscopic surgery a week later. When I arrived for the surgery the original doc was in the operating theater and informed me he was there to observe as he wasn't

trained for such surgeries. I was introduced to another Navy doc who was to perform the operation. This latter doc was the one I commented on in my earlier post. His name is Capt. Prachan Banchasuek, MD. His business card indicated he normally works at Somdej Prapinklao Hospital, in Bkk (his office # 662-460-0000 x2738). Evidently he is not on staff at Sirikit and was brought in to perform my surgery. You may

want to just go to the Prapinklao hospital (504 Taksin Rd. Bukkalo Thonburi BKK) to see this doc. I've never been there and have no knowledge whether this is also an inexpensive Navy hospital.


FWIW, getting care at Sirikit is easy. Upon entering the building on the right, go to window # 5 or 6 (?) at the large registration area on the far right. They'll give you a short form to fill out (bring your PP) then create a patient ID card (keep the card for any future desired visits). They'll then have someone lead you to the appropriate specialty clinic, as the place is enormous. Give your ID card and any other paperwork they gave you to the nurses at the desk at the clinic. They'll assign you a doc (who can speak English) and tell you sit by one of the numbered exam room; take a seat by the indicated exam room and wait.


I again went to Sirikit last week. I've had a persistent cough and thought it was just a residual from my recent bout with the flu. I wanted to rule out TB, flu, cold or maybe bronchitis. I waited about 20-min, saw a doc. Got an x-ray (100-Bt)

and was prescribed three meds for bronchitis. Meds cost 395-Bt and I later checked on the Net and found one of the meds would have cost me up to $62-US in the States! Total cost for the visit was 495-Bt...plus a whole 20-Bt to take an AC bus back to Pattaya!!


chok dee...

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Sorry. Live in Bangkok. Wife from Lopburi. Not sure upcountry hospitals would have facilities/experience in latest procedures as they send most patients to Bangkok or other regional centers for treatment.


Operating doctors in government hospitals charge very low fees and because of this most people will feel good about providing them a gift of some kind. As you are taking care away from those that can not afford any other I would not use except in emergency. Most government doctors also work part time in private hospitals where I would feel better using their services.

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These are the results so far of my attempts to get price quotes for the knee surgery:


Bumrungrad - USD 3000

Vejthani - unable to get anyone on the phone and no email address

Somdej Prapinklao - unable to get anyone on the phone

BKK General - no response to email

Samitivej - USD 5000 - 7500 (!)


This is higher than I expected. Samitivej, in particular, seems to have an especially long list of orthopedic surgeons. So, that may be a specialty of theirs.


LukDod got a bargain at the Naval Hospital, but as Lopburi3 makes the point that it is unfair for a farang to use the low cost services directed to Thais, I may just do it in New York after all. I haven't decided yet.


Khun Pad Thai

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