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Terrorist attacks in London

Guest baldrick

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Hi all,


I can't help look at this, and see a certain diminished capacity. 37 dead, with multiple timed attacks? I doubt is the outcome that was invisioned by the organization that did this. I think is very telling, in that an organization planning a major assault, with multiple targets, trying to have the most devastating effect possible, in a very populated environment, can only cause 37+ deaths?


A single suicide bomber could to do that easily, with a little brain power, at any number of places in London. Granted, a great many others were injured in this instance. And I also have to think about the tape of Bin-laden saying he had no idea of the effect that the two planes would have on the World Trade Center. He was clearly shocked that both towers did, in fact, collapse.


But I still cannot help but think that even a single novice could cause more mayhem, given a year to think about it, and a bankroll to carry it out.


Something is wrong here. Are we sure it's Al-Quieda at work here? I seriously question this. This was just too sloppy for them.


Hopefully the answer is that they have been diminished to the point of pulling off whatever they can. But I'm not rushing to that conclusion. Something just doesn't seem right with this.


But then again, I don't trust Thai bar girl's either. :D



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Hi pattaya127,


>>>>>>Can't you guys see they are mindless mass killers?<<<<<


While they are mass killers, they are very far from mindless. To believe they are stupid, is the greatest mistake we can make. And is in fact, my point. These guys are very, very smart. You wanna know what your worst nightmare is?..... It's coming up against someone with nothing to lose.


The greatest mistake we can make, is in underestimating them.



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OCgringo said:

Will anything work ?


I am not sure what the terrorist want,

probably get out of Saudi, Iraq. Isreal, etc


if we did that (not going to happen) would they be happy then ?


or would they want all of us to convert to Islam ?


Not sure how you win this one



I heard something like this on a radio show recently that certain Islamic extremist groups would love nothing better than if the UK became an Islamic fundamentalist state.Not sure where they got their info from.Might be anti-muslim propaganda though.

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"They haven't got a clue how to do that or this wouldn't have happened."


I totally disagree with you here. London forensics/Bomb squad has had over 30 years of conventional field experience (IRA) collecting and identifying mad bombers. They also have the most extensive video monitoring network in the world. Combined, I think they will at least ID the bastards, if not capture/kill them.

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"Will anything work ?"


How do you stop a religion/ideology? How do you stop someone so brainwashed that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to complete and objective? How do you stop those who look exactly like everyone else?


Creation of a police state, Human intelligence and infiltration, Propaganda are a few. Capitulation to their demands is still another (though not viable) one.


My projection goes like this: The US/Briton will continue to fight in the middle east. This, as stated as the cause of the terror attacks, will continue to empower these acts. Intelligence as well as local authorities will continue to infiltrate and suppress these originations driving them underground (even more so than today), though the attacks will still continue.

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"How does Al Quida keeep websites?"


and just how hard to track to the source?


( I'm not computerwise, but seems like they wold be putting some effort into this)

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" am not sure what the terrorist want,

probably get out of Saudi, Iraq. Isreal, etc"



I doubt if the real leaders give a shit about their "religion" they just like the power.

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"Would cut down global terrorism by 95%. The remaining 5% would be sent to a remote South Seas Island along with the most obnoxious Israeli back packers to take part in a "Last Man standing " reality TV programme hosted by George Best and slum landlord Van Haugstraten..."


Lol!! still... should open up a bit more some's eyes about life for israelis... distressing feeling to be surrounded by buggers willing to blow themselves as long as they blow U along.


People kidding about french/anglo saxons cultural differences... but not much to laugh about when it comes to (radical?) muslims. A HELL of a cultural difference with the western world...


Good luck for big, cosmopolitan cities... beautiful human creations...

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"You can't prevent a few determined looneys to work single-mindedly for 6 months, at bombing innocents. What you can do is keep the pressure on them as an international terrorist group, keep and improve levels and technology of security and intelligence."



*An interesting interview yesterday on french radio, but sorry I dunno who was the speaker... Anyway he claimed that a significant reason France was so far spared of much islamic terrorist activity was because of its strong stance against islamics. He said


"If you're a radical islamist looking at the map of Europe, well, you'll tend not to chose France at your country of residence"


Not sure wether he was right but I for one more support a heavy handed treatment islamists, active terrorists and supporters.


Random, better to do than whining about Guantanamo and extraordinary rendition.

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