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50% of gogo girls HIV?


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limbo said:
Pom Michael said:

"had sex, probably with a katoey. Woke up and felt something wasn't right, a hunch feeling"


Would like to see what will come out of this statement..... ::


Hi Gummi,


See your point. Fact is, he's still dead. Bless him.


Me not same same Pom Michael.





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>>Have known people who died within a year, others longer.<<


People don't die within a year. I think what you mean is that they died within a year of discovering they were HIV+. I remeber a news item about a year ago. A guy in NY contracted some "new strain" of HIV and died within a year of getting it tho I don't know how they could determine exactly when he got it. It was such a rare and unique case that it made worl headlines. Of course the guy had been out banging whores and neighbors without covering up which sent the health folks scrambling to find his partners.

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It should not matter what percentage are HIV positive. The only safe assumpton is that every promiscuous sexual partner is HIV positive. <<


Which would include yerself. And me self too I can add. Only people who just had a test know their own HIV status. Even then it is not 100%.


I saw a post in health about an instant HIV saliva test approved for sale. If we carry the test kit and test a girl at the bar before BFing her what do you say if its positive? A real possibility that this will go on IMO.

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? People don't die within a year. I think what you mean is that they died within a year of discovering they were HIV+.?


Probably not so common these days, especially if you can afford treatment and respond to it. But, it?s my understanding some people develop full blown AIDS symptoms very quickly following infection. Especially the poor soul?s unfortunate enough to have acquired one of the African strains which are said to progress much more rapidly. Guess that might be another good reason to stay clear of the ladies who frequent the Grace coffee shop.



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