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School..... need help


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I have been seeing a TG for the past 2 yrs. I met this 26 yrs., TG, no kids, and speaks reasonable good English. She has not worked in the bars but used to own a noodle shop which went bad and it was at this time around I met her. We hit off well from day one and for the last 2 yrs I have been seeing her . I travel once ever 6 weeks to Bkk, on business. I pay for her apartment every month and another 8 k a month for other exps. All she does whole day is watch TV, eat and sleep. She sends 2 k to her mom.


I have been pursing her for the past 6 months to join cooking or beauty saloon school so that she can get some job and later maybe open a saloon. She does not have much education and I thought these are the best options for her.


She went to a school to find out the details and fees and she call me today that, SIX months course cost 30k bhat. I am not sure if she has gone to right school or is she being taken for ride. ? The TG is honest and I know her very well, she does not lie nor she is looking for cut in the fee. I have forgotten many times during my trips my ATM cards with her and she know my code also, as sometimes I would just give the card to get the money from the ATM. She has not withdrew a penny from these accounts at any time but would always with draw the money she want from her ATM card I gave her.


I would apprecite if any board member can advice or suggest a good school. thanks.




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Hi Vinod,


I don't think there is anything unusual in a beauty saloon course taking 6 months and costing 30k baht. Besides the course fees she probably has to buy various materials and tools as well.


I can't help you with exact directions to a respectable school, but I remember hearing that there is one in the Rangsit area (think one of my gf's friends studied there). It's supposed to be quite. You might want to check that. But it might also cost more than 30k.



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Sounds more less on the cheap side, to about right. I looked into this last year, and the price was similar. Some girls go to a place near Lumpini, and start to learn cutting hair there, then go to school later on. I believe the course cost of 20-30K covers the basics for cutting men's and maybe basic styles for women. There are other more advanced classes later on for the really fancy stuff...dying, perms, weaves etc...

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It sounds like you have a few issues going on with girl. First and first most is her honesty/integrity issue and it sounds like you found a decent girl. History is the best predictor and you sound confident that she exhibits no unusual or red flag behaviors. That is the most important and biggest hurdle to get over...


The second issue is the lack of motivation and that is something you can little about. It is so prevalent in LOS and specically in certain segments of their society. Yet, at least you got her to investigate possibilities which is a big first step. One can inspire but motivation usually comes from within...


The third issue is whether her decision-making in knowing the right connections, knowing the ropes as to good schools or not will pan out. The odds are against it given her background but where you can be her greatest help with your desire for her to function in some financial supporting job and maybe even rewarding is looking at the big picture...


There is nothing wrong with cooking, beauty, hotel management, regular massage schools, etc as many girls do make a living and carve out an existence this way. Yet at the same time, the market can only handle so many so i would guess there is a a pretty good excess of supply on a regular basis in these areas where graduates can't find work or income trickes in...


As long as you explored all her options with some creativity even it that menas investing more money into her. Your goal should be what is her greatest chance at some market success and payback (to her of course) and not how little is it going to cost me. What are her interests or, any potential skill making in other areas or venues should be considered..


The only reason i say this is because i have known or have met so many guys who send their girls to these above mention schools with nothing ever materializing into a successful outcome.


It is a tough call either way but as long as you don't falll into the automatic "she is this so she can do only that" mentality....



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No need to spend that much money on a course. Sure, there are beauty courses that cost that much (or many times that even), but seeing that she is just starting and likely has no idea if she will really like it why doesn't she go to a government run course first?


My wife has done loads of these (cooking, baking, hairdressing, flower arrangement, ...). There are centers in many areas of the city and the cost for these courses is pretty much negliable, I believe its 105 Baht either for the 3 month course or per week (not sure, but may very well be the former). Most courses are 3 hrs a day, 5 days a week.


Oh, on top of the course fee she would have to pay for material, ingredients and such.



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I agree with you that at the end of the day after course, she might get a job or not. Also with regard to the motivation, it took more than 6 months for her to decide atleast that she needs to do sometiong else beside just eating & watching the TV.


Atleast Iam happy she decided to explore and learn.




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While your post focused on the school aspect, CB's comments are most appropriate.


RE school:


I sent my wife to a school at Victory Monument, after looking at several in the Prathunam area (we live about a 10 minute walk from the school). The VM school was much cheaper than the big flash school located on Petchburi near Panthip that so many BGs attend.


While not a lazy woman at all, my girl found that much of her days over the previous year, with me out working everyday, was to clean the house and clothes, then watch TV. No friends, no social network, nothing. It added a level of negative difficulty to the relationship that drained much of my energy to counter. We discussed many possible changes and decided that the school was a good option.


She started school right after New Years. A 5 month course, 23K baht, which included many supplies (electric clippers, scissors, etc.). We invested another 5-8K over the next 5 months in better clippers, a makeup kit, nail supplies, etc.


It is now almost 8 months down the line. She still attends the school everyday. BTW, it is 6 hours/day, 6 days/week. Although she has finished her actual instruction, she and many of the other girls still go and cut/wash hair of the walk-in customers. Every couple of weeks, the school arranges for a handful of the girls to go to a Wat to cut hair for charity (old ladies, etc.), or a school to cut the children's hair or the local Army place, where they buzz-cut dozens of soldiers over the course of the day. All of this is a freebie, although they sometimes get tips. Interesting note- the best tippers are the old ladies at the Wat- but the girls always refuse to take their money!


We have also setup a salon at our apartment, one cutting chair, a washing chair, sink, one of those 50's looking hair dryer machines, cheesy posters on the wall, etc., etc. About a 10K investment. We have several clients: me and the cleaning ladies in our building!


Will she ever make any money at it? Maybe- but that's not the important thing to me or to her. To her, learning that she, as an old lady (38), in a school full of mostly 20-somethings, can go out, learn, start something new and become one of the best in her class, has given her a new, positive and pro-active outlook on her life. She sees a potential future, possibly her own shop. She knows that at worst she has a skill that she can market. This is again a tremendous payoff in this society where so many of the women truly have placed a low value on themselves.


In addition, she has many new friends, girls who stop at our place on a regular basis, married women, single women, women looking for husbands, older girls, younger girls, etc. Almost entirely women who have never been any part of the nightlife scene. I see this as extremely healthy and positive-image presentation. She sees, on a regular basis, other women who are just trying to make (for lack of a better word, no flamers, please) an honest living.


It is such a pleasure for ME to come home from work and find a lively, thriving group ofgirls, chatting, doing each other's makeup and hair, nibbling food, listening to Thai VCDs.


All in all, well worth the price of admission!


While there are many aspects to your situation, as said by CB, I hope this helps somewhat with the school questions.

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"...The second issue is the lack of motivation and that is something you can little about. It is so prevalent in LOS and specically in certain segments of their society. Yet, at least you got her to investigate possibilities which is a big first step. One can inspire but motivation usually comes from within..."


For sure! It is 1.5 years since a girl I was involved with, first told me she wanted to go to salon school. It is over 1 year since we first looked into it, called schools, got prices, schedules etc...and well...she still is working in a bar. I last saw here in May, and we some how got on the subject, and she realized it was my birthday again, and that we had talked of school etc...still her dream of course...(heavy sighl) She was shocked that so much time had flown by so fast...I pointed out to her, life is fast, and passes you by...and well, sadly it is in her case, I've given up any hope of her ever doing it, to lazy. Low self esteem may feed into it also...in the end it, is up to them whether they really want to do it or not...


Additionally, on a related point, I know a girl who went to salon school, and got a job, Some days she made 200bht other days she made 1000+ including tips...she got tired of having to clean the shop, or having the boss "talk not nice" to her, so she quit, she now retuned to her bar life...it pays better, better chances to meet a guy, milk money, lazy life style, go on holidays to Phukett and Samui etc etc...she was a long time regular, I have pretty much written her off as a lost cause as well...


In short, it comes down to you possibly wasting money training her to do something she may well never do, solely out of lazyness...I might suggest that you start by getting some sense of discipline into her, maybe have her get some sort of job, offer an incentive if you can...when she is used to theidea of a schedule and diciplined enough, then think about school...


Regarding Salon schools, we found one on a recomendation in Phrakanom, the total cost was generously estimated at 15-20,000thb for 6 months. There was a second part for more advanced styles etc after that...I think a bit cheaper...good luck, this is not easy I know...

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