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Drugged, mugged, hospitilised and now recovering


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IMHO this is all typical urban legend wake up in tub of ice with kidney gone type stuff.


Every story I have ever heard about supposed innocent tourists getting drugged or killed or ? ended up the guy was dirty in some way (mafia, drug dealer, robbery, woman beater). It's always some story behind the story.


I'm sure it has happened, just like I am sure people win the lottery. When it does then of course it makes for great headlines. Am I worried, hell no!

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[color:"red"] this is all typical urban legend



[color:"black"] Then I can assume you have never been over charged for a drink,

over charged for a taxi ride,

nor seen a screaming Thai lady demanding more money? That is part of the real world of Thailand.


Underneath that, is gangs that room the streets at night. Some fight with each other and some seem to target people for robbeery, etc. Does it hapen? Go to one of the hospitals in Bangkok and sit outside the emergency room and see how many people are brought in due to violence. Then ask yourself, did each person deserve this? Or could it be they that some of them were real victims?


I was attacked. All that my attackers wanted is everything I had. Another falang, an American, got attacked almost in the same area. He arrived at the hospital, after me, unconscious and without any money. When he came to, he did not even know his name. He was caked in blood from getting a wound to the top of his head and to both sides of his neck by a machette. I assume he was robbed just liked they tried with me. Did either of us deserve it? NO.


I suspect the problem is that some do not realize that Thailand does have it dark side. I hear falangs constantly talking about Thais trying to rip them off, but it is rare to see falangs that actually really believe that they can get ripped off in Thailand.

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Is it that in all my years of soi slutting I've never encountered a fixed up pour or is it that I've have never bneen to Pat Pong day or night.. Had a few mid afternoon "Bracers at the Irish Pub on the entrance corner but nary a venture into the well noted doom. [uncalled for comment removed - KS]

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I saw something on TV about bar cons and people were TOLD they were being conned and yet couldn't tell them how or why.


The easiest con is to water spirits or pep up real/watered booze with cheap alternatives (often dangerous moonshine). The gin and tonic con of putting gin around the edge of the glass and only tonic in it. Try it with your mates and see if they can tell.


If you order drinks like champagne keep the corks -- if they say they served you three bottle you have three corks and not four.


In the third world avoid any drink that contains cut fruit - to pep up fruit that is overage they stab the thing and throw it in some watersource -- often unclean. If you want to have a melon buy a full one and cut it yourself -- checking that it hasn't been stabbed through.


Most us know about NOT putting ice in drinks.

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