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Asian Flu outbreak 'imminent'


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I could not get it in LOS and the mrs has relatives who own pharmacies. Bought some online in the uk, roche just released ones with exp date of 2010, these are def genuine pills.

I understand that although they interfere with viral replication they are not that effective, you still get the flu but it should not be as long or as severe if you take tamiflu with 48 hours of symptoms. If you did get avian flu it could well mean the difference between living or not. But if you die you can't get a refund! I have had relatives who were young and died of the flu. Far too many people say they have the flu when it's just a cold, the flu always flattens you

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'don't be caught out and have your Flu jab now'.


yeah right,never had one and never had the Flu.

People who have the jab go sick in droves.....


Same for me, had mild flu before, but not so bad.


I wonder if the drug companies will be prepared this time ( and charge pleanty for the meds) just last year there was a "shortage of vaccine"




anyway, I plan to live forever ( so far, so good)

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There is some merit to accustoming one's immune system to the various virri and bacteria around. Which is why I like street food and it's consequences.


There is also a school of thought that says that once your immune system is used to a certain strain of virus or bug, it can successfully fight it off easily, but the danger is that a modified or evolved version of the same virus or bug can "piggy-back" with the same "signature" but with much worse consequences.


The concept is that if your immune system has not seen any thing like the "latest" virus or bug, it may react with much more "power" than if it had just encountered a previously known version.


I don't know which school of thought is right. I don't have flu jabs, but I do eat street food.





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you want to know where to get tamiflu????


just ask my ing mother. she watches the Sunday program on CH9 then rings me up and blasts me out way too early on Sunday morning with all of these facts about some flu thingy...


anyhow she said to get down the doc and quickly, you need a script and there are'nt overly great supplys so-skates on.

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I'm watching an interview with the UN Bird Flu Czar on CNN - another UN joke and waste of space BTW. Anyway, the answer to all the key questions is "we don't know". I think it's extremely irresponsible for of the media and UN officials to be sensationalizing this story and throwing out numbers like 150 million deaths without more concrete information. This is precisely the kind of story the new media jum on and blow out of proportion.

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