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Drunk Farangs....what to do?


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I remember being in Taipan in Phuket and this big steriod muncher saw the beautiful girl i was with and decided hed come up and have a go.


he put his arm around her and whispered something to her so i got in his face and he told me to calm down.


what was the point of that i wonder. ive never seen a girl walk off from a customer outside of a bar if they are happy.


BTW this girl was not being paid she was a friend who i had spent time with so he was doubly fucked.


in general though i have noticed things to be a lot less competitive than in farangland where all the guys are pissed and its unlikely that any of them are going to get sex that night which just makes most of them aggressive and fights break out.


in thailand if a guy misses out on a girl generally there isnt a massive over reaction as he can just turn around and theres another, maybe more sexy than the one he just had. thats one of the things i love about the place.


if i go home alone its only because i choose to or the quality wasnt there, but if you walk far enough you can always find that little gem tucked away somewhere. :applause:

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And don't forget BGs hit on other farangs when they already have a customer...
This is the more likely scenario.


Because of the plentiful supply, fights over BGs are rare and you do see less of the macho behavior you see in the West. There are awkward situations where it is all very gray, such as when two guys are buying the same BG drinks and no one has bar fined her yet.


But once a BG accepts a bar fine, I do think it is out of line for another customer to queue jump or for a BG to jump over to another customer. It does not happen often, but it does happen. It is obviously not a crime, but it is appalling bad behavior.

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