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How I spent my vacation from NP


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As many of you know it has been several months since I was active on the board. (Please humor my delusion that anyone actually noticed or gave a shit.) During my absence I decided to go on an extended trek that I like to call "Brinks Somewhat-less-than-excellent Misadventure." (I like to call it that because I can and also because I am somewhat delusional.) I hope you won't mind that I have included links to some of my vacation photos so you too can travel along with me. (Assuming you give enough of a shit to continue reading.)


My journey began with a trip to the wondrous beauty of the Grand Canyon. I was advised that the best way to experience the canyon's stunning grandeur would be to take a hot air balloon ride . I suddenly realized that this advice was less than helpful when the gondola (aka the little basket you sit in) separated from the balloon dropping us several hundreds of feet to the canyon floor. Thankfully my fall was broken by a tourist riding a donkey on one of those Native American tours. I always thought those burro tours were a bad idea and it's nice to know I'm proven right.


Next I decided to keep my feet firmly on the ground with a nice round of golf. I really wish my caddy had not advised me to stand there. Have to stop taking advice.


After I woke up in the hospital it seemed like time for a change of scenery and so I left Arizona to head for the cool breezes of the Pacific Northwest. It was on this leg of the trip that I decided to visit a logging camp. This did not end so well.


Now with no car and mounting medical bills a trip to Europe seemed in order. I had always wanted to travel via Eurorail and see the European country side. I was not expecting the thrills of an impromptu rollercoaster.


It was about this time that a friend (for that is what I call people who want to see me dead) informed me that the running of bulls was about to take place in Pamplona. Now, based on my previous experiences you might guess I was hesitant to venture forth in this direction. How wrong you would be.


As Pamplona had not worked out as planned (or at least as I had planned) I wished to visit some place more calm and serene. As I had not the airfare to visit Tibet I instead chose Paris . One would think the tour guides would advise tourists to refrain from getting too near the edge of the Eiffel Tower. One would be wrong.


Having had enough of Europe and it's excellent hospital food I decided to end my journey in the exotic rain forests of Costa Rica. Oh, the lush tropical paradise. The heady scents of flowers in bloom. The sounds of the jungle. If you ever get there I advise you to take the "Rainbow Joe Jungle Trek" which includes the "Stupid Gringo Gorge and Suspension Bridge"


Ahhh yes the memories.


Once the bones fully heal I'll have lingering reminders of my wonderful journey. (Particularly each time the weather turns cold or damp)


Thanks for letting me share. ::

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Great Pictures! to bring you up to speed on what you missed...Si Saket girl,...quit booze, AGAIN, Muay Thai, went to Thailand, finally made it to Angkor Wat, married nervous Dog we took Gummi and Suadam on the honey moon...Si Saket girl...THOSE FUCKING MORMONS KEEP PISSING ME OFF!!! WTFG...Buri Ram girls...Buri Ram girls, More Buri Ram girls... New Camera, think I am an artist...Quit Drinking again! Went on a bender after waking up last June and finding out I had married Nervous Dog...Planning another trip, missed you, but NOT in a gay way! Welcome back... :)

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