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Import Duty

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How much is Thai import duty. Is it a fixed % or does it vary depending on what you are importing. I tried the Thai Customs web site and couldn't find anything that actually stated the different duties for different products but their sample calculations were all based on 60% import duty, plus excise tax, plus VAT, plus special taxes and fees. Surely everything isn't subject to 60% import duty! I would be importing a digitizer (I asked about this in 'shopping & classifieds') which is a special drawing board with a mouse and software which is used for measuring lengths / areas off architectural / engineering drawings. Any advise would be much appreciated.

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Depends on what your importing, some idiot once sent me 1000 colour brochures and listed the value as $500 - seems that's what he paid to get them printed, I got then hit with I think $300 import duty + 7% VAT as imported printed paper has that duty!


Equipment to view TV, i.e. Set Top Boxes attract 20%, however STB's are also prohibitied and you need a import licence for the article BEFRE you import it, DVD's same problem.


If your doing this regulalrly, use a proper company, I've been stuffed around often by companies overseas that refuse to believe Thai Customs are so strict, just last month after 2 1/2 months I got 10 servers out of customs because some idiot wrote "Satellite Card" in part of the possible configeration.


Now - getting back to your digitizer, Software is 0%, hardware often 20%, we often, as we sell both, split the unit price i.e. $100 becomes $50 Hardware, and $50 Software.


Works - most but not always



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