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Buxom/Top Heavy


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  • 2 weeks later...

Samak? Pharcyde? Come on guys share your wisdom :)


Given the fact that this question is about a part of the female anatomy that usually gets lots of male attention, I has expected more feedback here.

Don`t tell me I have to ask this question at the thaivisa.com language section, surely the cunning lingvists at this board can come up with a suggestion ::



Hua Nguu

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Since what appears on my monitor resembles no known language, I don't know what it is supposed to be.


But I have never heard Thais use a word which would mean busty or top heavy. They will generally make some comparison, saying she has tits like watermelons or something, whatever happens to pop into their head at the moment.


A quck search through the New Model English-Thai dictionary shows that "busty" and "bosomy" are not included. "Buxom" appears TOO-UM (high) and a synonym of "chubby" or "plump".

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