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A scene I'll never let happen again.


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I met a girl at a soi 8 bar and we stayed together for 6 days and nights. After 6 days I started getting tired of her and decided to spend the last 2 days with other girls. When I asked her to leave she freaked; she started pacing the room, mopping, crying, and threatened to cut her wrist. I told her at late at night and she pleaded with me to let her stay the rest of the night so she could leave in the morning, I did (it's very weird sleeping with a near stranger that is mad at you). Morning came and I noticed she had my pocketknife on her nightstand (thank god she didn't use it on her or me). She tried to play it off like nothing happened the night before, but I didn't give in and asked her to leave again. I handed her 2000baht extra (what she would have earned the last 2 days) and she just threw it down. She asked for the pictures of her, and I reluctantly gave them to her, she then gave me back the best one of her and I. She gave me a little kiss, said thank you and left around 10:30am.

I had a infected finger from a cactus spike a few days before (she had waited at hospital for me on first visit) so I returned to hospital for more anti-biotics and a check up on the infection, then afterwards went for a ST (free at last I thought, wrong!). Fortunately or unfortunately the hotel still had some of her laundry that I had to either deliver to her or let her pick-up in my room. She calls me on her mobile phone (yea, one of those girls) around 5:30pm slightly buzzed and asks me did I go back to the hospital and how's my finger. At this point I'm thinking, maybe I was wrong to have dumped her.

Now 8:30pm, I walk out the hotel and down soi 8 a little to drop off her laundry. I see her semi-passed out, head on the bar, reeking of whiskey, and make-up running down her face. As I walk up all the girls stink-eye me and say "she has broken heart for you". I know it's total BS, but still feel bad. Being a softy, I can't let this happen so I comfortingly hold her, apologize, wipe her down with a cold towel, and try to sober her up. Next, I carry her back to the hotel and hold her head over the toilet as she pukes her guts out. Then I strip her down, give her a cold shower and walk her to the bed where she passes out. Next morning she pulls me in the shower with her and is apparently so happy that I took her back she proceeds to fuck my brains out. It turns out the next 2 days of sex is totally awesome and the girls at the bar treat me like a hero.

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I've heard of similar stories and I've seen first hand girls who are maow (spelling?drunk) because their boyfriend broke up with them. Others have scars on their wrists. From what I understand its a bluff half the time. Not sure how I would react if it were me. I'd switch rooms or hotels and stay off that street. I hate confrontations.

You apparantly had a good time once you 'made up' with her in her mind. Make up sex is good sex but sometimes it comes at a price.

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Maybe the trick is to tell them ( bg) after a few days to leave, and just let them F* ur brains out trying to change ur mind.

Actually, what you describe seems to be the routine they all pull to get more $$, attention, not loose face, ect.

just part of the "package"

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I had almost the same experience during my visit last month. I was determined to cut myself loose from the lady I had spent several nights with, and got the tears, drinking, and friends' venom routine.

As foolish as I know this is, in the end, I could not bear the thought there was the slightest possibility I could actually hurt this girl, and I ended up spending the rest of my vacation with her.

As I learned more about her from her friends and family, I realized this might not be the standard BG act to reel in baht. However, I've read many stories along these lines and need to keep my guard up.


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Hanging out in Thailand is like swimming through fish hooks. You just have to remember most of these girls are emotionally 12 years old. Once you look at it that way their behavior becomes logical. It isn't an act when they do this. It's for real...but passes just as fast.

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Spudsmck -- I hope you know that you are not alone in this. Believe me, it is a common occurance.

Obviously, the best way to avoid this type of situation is to be sure you don't spend too much time with any one girl.

Unfortunately, while you can always have all you want, you can't always have it all the way you want.

What worked best for me when I was a part of the scene was one simple rule regarding this type of vacation disaster, never go with the same girl two nights in a row. Of course I rarely followed my own advise but on the few occasions that I did, it proably saved me from what you went through.

Also,it kind of excludes any overnight excursions. IMO, small price to pay not to have to go through what you discribed in your post.

Happy to read that you enjoyed yourself when things finally settled down. smile.gif" border="0

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