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Religion - the poll


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Dog, what has gotten into you? Too much going to NEP and did the boys out in front converted you?


You asked about going to Church, why not ask about going to the temple? Or better yet, why isn't the throne mntioned? Many of us still prostrate before the porcelain throne and tell god we are not going to drink any more, only to show up at the throne the following week. And heaven forbid if anybody is using the throne for plop, plop, fizz, fizz activities when we are prostrated before the throne.


And as far as believing in God, some people believe Jesus is God. Where I live, there are a lot of people by the name of Jesus. Every once in a while one of them dies or gets killed. Now some will say that can't be true.


And as far as praying, what the hell do you think we are doing when we are on our hands and knees before the porcelain throne and especially when we get it in our head to offer up another offering?

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Maybe we should start a thread (this isn't worthy of a forum) of the different cultures you find in Thailand? Both Farang and Thai?


I was just up in Chiang Mai, and I noticed that when you vary the geography, the culture changes tremendously. There seem to be very distinct groups of ex-pats up there, and those within each group seem likely to know each other (or at least this is what an ex-pat I met told me). Most interesting and somewhat relevant to Nervous Dog's subject, there are about 3,000 Christian missionaries in the Chiang Mai area. I discovered this when I went to the 4th of July celebrations at US Consulate General. One of the local English papers pegged the number at this amount. And if you can read or write any Thai, many Thais will gently ask if you are missionary. This has never happened to me once in 12 years of living in Bangkok; no one - Thai or Farang - has ever confused me with a missionary.


On the other end of the spectrum, it is much easier to find after hours venues in Chiang Mai. Bangkok rules don't exactly apply here. And because the city is a liveable size, it easier to find almost everything there. It reallyd does have a very different feel and Farang culture than the Big Mango.

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