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Clinton defends himself in Fox interview


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"...He was Commander-in-Chief, any low ranking person in the military would have been canned, Mr. Clinton was allowed to skate on the issues...I do not agree with that outcome..."



Any low level piss ant in the ranks gets the shaft, the higher ups getr away with more because of who they know, where they served or went to school etc...in the Military, as in life "Rank has it's privilidge."


As for skating on the event of Miss Monica (would you really want to admit to having sex with her? be honest!?) I believe he was sensured/impeached on the issue... What did you want? to see him removed late in his second term? was it really worth the upheavel it would have caused? He was done as president anyway.


Reagan lied his as of over Iran contra (Not that I know anything or was involved) Tip O'neil had him by the balls. Instead of draggin the country through it all, he pimped old Ronnie like a crack addicted bitch, ron rolled over on a few bills, suported a few things, and poof left with honor...how fast people forget this shit.


GWB, Lied, commited election fraud twice, numerous war crimes, and what, no moral outrage to have him sacked and tried? but Clinton got a BJ and it is the crime of the century? fuck dude, priorities...As Gummi said do so research here...

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I never took an oath to lead the USA, to uphold the constitution, etc.


I would have more respect for the man if he didn't do all the "how do you define sex"...come on! what is that?

He was mocking Americans.


Yes, he should have 'fessed up and moved on!


The thick chick...another one of his problems...this guy was prez, Kennedy had Monroe, the world's hottest babe and Clinton had Monica, he should be impeached for that alone .


I was working in Italy when all of this was going on. The Italians had the right take on it..."come on, he is a man, he is the president...what's the problem?". That was the Italian thinking.

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I would have liked to seen the president 'fess up right at the start and cut the media off at the knees.


We, at least me, can not think in terms of, "what would I have done". He swore an oath to the American people, that comes first and foremost.

I did not swear any oath. If I say I would have told the truth, maybe/maybe not, that is not the issue.

Issue is, he swore an oath, he lied and he carried out the lie until he was completelty busted. That was wrong on his part. He dragged the mess on way too long.


Who's the idiot that started this thread....ohhh, me :shocked:

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If you knew 1/2 the lies anyone in government or military tells to the citezens, you would find far greater reason to be appalled then a blow job from a fat ugly intern. I see no reason to blame a guy for something you yourself may have done. Keep in mind, he had the girl's reputation to protect as well as his own...of course we know what kind of a whore she is, so well, non issue maybe.

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to me that oath doesn't need to cover shagging, but to each his own :dunno:


his cock to me is not a a matter of national security, and lying in that situation is sort of human to me. italians weren't the only country in europe sort of baffled about the shame of persecuting a president over some office sex :doah:





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How can you be so upset about lying about a blowjob and the current pres has lied his goddamm ass off about everything his administration has done and you don't give a rat's ass about that?

Ask Bush to admit he lied about WMD. Ask him to admit he lied about FEMA being prepared for Katrina. Ask him to admit he lied about stealing the election in 2000. Ask him to admit he doesn't have a clue as to what he's doing in Iraq.


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How can you be so upset about lying about a blowjob and the current pres has lied his goddamm ass off about everything his administration has done and you don't give a rat's ass about that?

Ask Bush to admit he lied about WMD. Ask him to admit he lied about FEMA being prepared for Katrina. Ask him to admit he lied about stealing the election in 2000. Ask him to admit he doesn't have a clue as to what he's doing in Iraq.



:topic: Pres. Bush is another story.


I am not upset with Clinton, just very disappointed.

of course, not only with Clinton, but the entire bunch in DC.


The BJ, sure no biggie, but I expect the Pres to be a leader, not a liar. High expectations, absolutely. Is is said that people will usually do what is expected of them or at least make a good try.


Why do we not expect our leaders to lead us? Why do we so easily let them slide on this and that?


I expect the pres to be a "stand up guy". If he can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!


This goes not only for Clinton but also for the current pres.


Like I said, I did not take an oath and pledge in my campaign to lead the people of America, so it is not a vaild comparison to compare any of us to the person sitting in the big chair in the white house...IMO.



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I have worked as a contractor for the military for more years then I want to remember.

We could hoist the beverage of your choice for many an hour and I could relate some real boners that the gov and military has done over the years.


Thing is, no one cares. The lies, waste, BS never stops. It is like a snowball rolling down a mountain. It keeps getting bigger and harder to stop.

Example, 60 Minutes does a feature on some gov waste, shocking, everyone up at arms...nest day, forgotten and business as normal.


Remember the kickbacks/non-bid contracts in Iraq? Most people don't but the corp certainly is smiling all the way to the bank!...and maybe our Vp also???


Where does it stop? Who will stop it? When will it stop?


Until Americans demand our leaders to be real, true leaders that the people can look up to, we are in a world of hurt...IMO.



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