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What makes a person gay/lesbian/katoey?


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Dudes & dudlets,


Been reading a bit lately on various 'insights' into the science of male & females genes, hormones et all & how statistically gays goes with the family/genes.


Anybody believes in this shit or knows how powerful the church have been in making the world believe homosexuality is a bad 'choice' & NOT genetically explainable aka a male brain trapped in a female body or opposite :)


Thus I'm making a poll on this & particularly awaiting OH's vote on this :hubba:


Sorry it seems voting is not allowed for another hour, so please be patient...


Personally I tend to believe the statistics that says some 10% of all males are 'gay' before turning 5 while less than 5% are lesbian... :cool:

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Interesting, for a long time when n my late teens most of my mates including my best friend where gay, but I was never hit on (Shit I sound ugly) by them, and there was no pressure either way.


Off to the gold coast my best mate and i'd comment on "Tits" and "arses" obviously on different sexes!


More interestingly there seems much more acceptance in THailand and most girls have at least one gay friend, as you said in the poll "There so funny"



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I couldnt recognize myself in the last poll. I tried several times and didnt like it and it didnt make me horny but then I tried again after a new wind came in with my partner fantasizing about a third female party in the bed. Needless to say I got hooked with the second 'try outs'.I found this out about myself when I was 34 already and not that I had been hiding in the sexual closet before that time either...So maybe change your question to> Are you gay/lesbian or perhaps bisexual or a little dudlet? Do I feel a lesbian now? Not at all, still just as oriented at men as before. For me they are the only possible source of inspiration. So I cant really call myself bisexual either since that implies you spend your time/energy equally divided by the two sexes.


And in the end, as said above who cares? It just IS, what IS.

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I love gays since you can talk/joke about sex with them without the uptight restraints from females. Man's culture in general is that it is great to have sex while female culture in general is not that. Gays are sometimes even more outraguous about sex than hetero males which can be most refreshing. This is also why I have a mental attraction towards kathuys cause that it how I would like to see females behave (not the harsch part and violence etc). Kathuys are a combination of feminity and unrestrained sexuality. Most women still see sex as something that should be limited or controlled in some way, shape or form. Well hey thats why so many of you have to go to the hookers,,,

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yeah in LOS gays are very visible even there may actually be fewer of them than other countries - who knows?


also while seemingly more open Thailand isn't actually that accepting of it so any teenage daughter/son would declare it to their parents :(


sorry I didn't have a correct poll option for you TC, but actually I believe you'll still fall in the not gay, but yeah tried it out & also tried the bisex stuff & still is although not full time :)


I mean married/going steady with opposite sex & having sex with them ain't gay in my book :cover:

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