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mosquito nets


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Does anyone know where I could buy mosquito nets (nets that hangs from the ceiling over the bed) in Bangkok? And how much do they usually cost? I need the nets to prevent mosquito bites for my two children during their sleeping hours. I believe that some of the hotels in Bangkok provides mosquito nets to thier customers.

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it actually is amazing how few mosquitos there are in the city , even at dusk when its usualy feeding time ,


but saying that , one time I left my hotel window open during the day, it was the top floor and I am sure there was standing water on the roof , that was the one time they got me :(


I think if you are in a regular hotel you will not have problems ,

but in a cheap backpacker hotel it will be worse,



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Slightly :topic:


The wife told me an amusing tale of a few years ago when there was an inter-univerity field trip which entailed a night camping out.


They were all issued with Mossie nets and the next morning the students from an unmentionable, fee paying, English Language Uni looked like zombies, when asked "Did you not Sleep to Well" they replied "We have been up all night trying to Net the Mossies and didn't catch one"


Hi-So Thai's and Dumb Blondes do have a lot in common.

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Really important with mozzie nets... don't tuck them in under the matress when you go to bed.


Do it in the middle of the day if you can when the mozzies aren't active.


You do it at dusk or at night time, and you'll end up with mozzies trapped under the net from when you were tucking it into the bed. (Ones that drop down to the floor are useless - you need to tuck it under the matress).


Spray the net lightly with fly spray or Pyreethrum (sorry - can't spell it) which will help to. Or use Citronella spray if you want something non-chemical near the kids.


And don't forget - get into bed really fast!

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