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More government Crap...

Old Hippie

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Yeah, I really don't see a bhats worth of difference between the major U.S. political parties...in operation anyway. They can say what they want, but neither one has the country's best interests at heart.




definitly no difference, they just bring up issues to keep ppl busy and to cover up the real problems ( smoke and mirrors system)


if they spent as much energy on real problems as they do trying to discredit each other we would see some progress.


IMHO, most politicians are lawyers in the first place, and they would rather do somethig the wrong way than the honest way.


the more problems ( or laws) they pass, the more work for their

"brothers" in the profession.


I doubt if an honest person would get into politics in the first place.

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I must be on someone's radar which explains why it takes me a minimum of two hours to get into the country upon arrival and I'm stopped at least 3 times from the minute I leave the plane coming back from Asia.


We deserve what ever government we have. Its a republic and we have a say and unfortunately the vast majority of Americans couldn't be bothered. The federal (as well as state and local) bureauracracies have become so huge that the individual feels his/her voice (vote) is too small to make a difference.


Like all major nations that have been the top dog in their era, they rarely go out with a big bang but a slow death by a thousand cuts. The Roman Empire ended long before the 'barbarians' sacked Rome. The British Empire was on the wane long before it lost most of its colonies. The Soviet empire was internally bleeding well before it fell.

America will go the same route. I just hope whatever replaces it will be better. I doubt it (probably China) but hopefully by then I'll be dead and buried in a quiet little rural area in one of the northern provinces in LOS with my future Thai family making offerings to the spirits on my behalf.



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Look at the percent of people who even bother to vote. It's usually below 50% of the registered voters, even in presidential elections. Of course, in some countries it is against the law not to vote -- which hardly makes for very intelligent voting either.



look at whats on the ballot, vote on bs stuff and not real stuff.


its gotten to the point that most issues are so waterdown or confusing it does not matter/


and any decent law that gets voted in it tied up in court or modified so much its not as intended.


I always wonder why the daylight savings time changes are not up for vote/


everyone I know bitches about it, but we don't seem to have a choice.


and look at the bozos that run for office, by the time election time comes they are made out to look like scum bags ( which most probably are)



choose any top 10 issues in any country that people want to change, and see how many they get to vote on

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Well, yeah, you're right. But, who's fault is that? We have let this country (USA) turn into this shit. My parents, and grand parents (o.k. they weren;t born here, but that/those previous generations) did little to steer it on the right course, I do little, other than rally and publically bitch, write my representitives etc...we got what we deserved by being apathetic and lazy.


Previous generations were to busy starving or fighting "the big wars" to really care. They foolishly believed the government would help them...and for a time, the government did. Then the government decided to "help itself" instead.


The WWII/Depression generation got the main ride on the gravy train for sure, they honestly think they "deserve it." That whole bunch has a sense of entitlement that is just rediculis. Then you have my lot, who grew up pretty much spoiled, and thinking we had it hard. Now enter the new generation "X" gang and all their anger and issues, who think the world owes them everything, and want to do nothing to contribute, just take, and the whole place is indeed a much of crying whining lazy do nothing to help themselves fucks that ever came down the pike. No wonder we atre screwed...


Then you see the shit that runs for office...and what are the big issues whether a guy smoked dope 20 years ago or not...or got a BJ in the oval office...none of which has any bearing on how they run/ran the country or resolve issues that fuck us all. Then take a look at the piece of shit that "won" (he cheated) the last 2 elections, a dry drunk with a possible history of drug use, who bankrupted every business his daddy or his daddy's friends gave him. So well yeah, we are fucked, but well, we deserve it, as we did little to stop it as it was starting to happen.


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