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lamest saturday EVERRRRR


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I can feel your point, drunken brits can be a pain in the arse sometimes, especially on a night when Liverpool defeats Chelsea.


Last week there was the most ridiculous thing ever. 2 groups of supporters on 2 sides of walking street. On the left 4 Arsenal supporters in shirts and on the right 5 Chelsea supporters in shirts. Singing songs against each other like they would be in the arena. They go all carried away and stopped signing their songs and where just cussing around, "fuck chelsea" "fuck Arsenal" etc... I watched them for 1 minute cussing at each other and since my motorbike was parked just 20 meters away from them i had to walk through their middle and screamed "FUCK ENGLAND" :neener::rotfl::rotl: All of a sudden they shut up their stupid mouthes, i heard them talking to each other and one said in a hesitating voice something that was supposed to threaten me but it was drunkbrit language slang so i couldn't understand him and said, "if you wanna talk to me come closer and talk german" and smiled like a monkey who found a stash of bananas. Nothing happenend of course!


Loads of brit blokes in this city and therefore a higher possibility to find them under these drunken assmonkeys, but however, whenever there is trouble it is a fucking brit with a fucking football shirt! I really should learn from that and stay the 8 weeks after december 15th in another country! I might leave Pattaya for Tokyo next thrusday, these tourists are a pain in the ass!

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Finally a girl had enough of it and went over to him and throw him too the ground where he lay in a drunken haze as bemused passersby stepped around.


That was the owner and she and her team behaved with considerable restraint IMHO. He was bloody obnoxious. Tiss the silly season.



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CH, i'm with you on this one and i'm British as well. I'm not as big a fan of Pattaya as you but do enjoy 2 or 3 days there now and then. But certainly not in january and the last two weeks in december. The town is jam packed with a huge number of arseholes. A few years ago when i was living in Bangkok i made the mistake of popping down there for a few days between christmas and new year. What a mistake, the worse time i've ever had there and i returned to Bangkok very quickly. It amazes me that some of these morons can actually fill in the form to get a passport?! :confused:


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I think the Mamasans are getting the message. This past trip I saw them "politely ask" the farang shitheads to come off the stage a few times. Before they would just kind of shrug it off!


But yea, these young aholes walking around like they own the place, full of piss and vinegar is a disturbing trend.

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come on guys , face it


PTY has been a magnet to cheap tourism for the last 15 years


brits: awful, no brains, no money

russians: even worse. (no brains , but those who come are loaded with $$)

just wait for the newly rich chinese and not to forget the camelriders who lack any kind of feeling for "what to do and what not to"

(believe me, I know what I am speaking of, just go to Zell am See, Kitzbuhl, and visit a 5* hotel. there you will see the quote, unquote Creme de la Creme of those societies.


Just visit an expensive event in Vienna, no matter good or bad and you will see the Arabas with money and no knowledge, Russians who refuse to turn of their mobiles during a conert and so on.


they really do not care. we are only middle ware, somewhere beteen 50k and 500k us$ a year. and they dont give a shit...


the low life europeans who travel for 400pounds and stay in the shitholes they call hotel and spent their safings on booze ? let the thai teach them some muay thai :), from the receiving part I mean there..



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This is exactly what I was talking about in my thread "who is rude" ... We complain about the Thais trying to hustle us but to me it is the Farang who are the problem in LOS. I am amazed the Thais put up with us. What ever happened to civility? I think this does not bode well for future generations...

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Pattaya at this timwe of the year is the fuck, while in low season you pull the freelancers like fishes from the fishtanks they are all about the most obvious looser right now! Some not who still have some self respect instead of going home with geek number one, they rather keep you interested by fucking you for free, but last night i told SHAW66 what pisses me off at places like Lucifer at this time of the year.


These morons are fucking lemmings, they hear it is high season and come, they could come in low season but they dont know that it means more pussy per dick! Many boyfriends in town also which blocks many of my regulars and I am also amazed that I knoe 13 girls who have a farang HUSBAND who lives in another country and only comes around christmas. Pathetic loosers marry a BG, can't stick around nor can import her to his country and wonder why her pussy gets bigger and bigger. I simply have no respect for total fucking idiots like that! If you are one of them, sorry but, Som Nam Na, she still fucks with others! How stupid are these farangs really? Now seriously. WOuld you marry a hooker when you cant live with her? How pathetic you gotta be to do that???

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