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Fuck this shit!!


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this is just WRONG...these guys should get medals, not prosecuted.


the 1960s were hard-core, black and white days in ameriKKKa...and anyone who was a revolutionary has since been totally vindicated by history...they (and their less radical but just as effective protester kind) effectively stopped the senseless slaughter of the Vietnamese, for motherfucking christ's sake! would that we had such brave souls nowadays to stop the oil-for-young-boys carnage exchange going on in Iraq.




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I'm not sure I agree with this preahko, I'm probably classed as one of the boards "pinkos" but I think that the general protest and non violent civil disobedience campaign had more to do with stopping the war than people like the Panthers and Weathermen. No society is going to forget the murder of law enforcement officers or innocent people. Should we stop hunting Nazis because they're all little old men now?

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In every group there usually are some rotten apples...Muslims, Jews, Whites, Blacks, etc.


You break the most basic laws (murder, etc) you should be punished.


To put a group on a pedestal while they were murdering people, that's just wrong, IMO.


Chicago, 1965 many of the "black" areas, if a non-black person happen to enter, you were promptly beat and maybe killed.

Ask the non-black students attending IIT, the unversity in the Hyde Park area of Chicago, how many times were they beat and robbed...by "freedom fighters"??? no, just common thugs!

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I'm convinced that the Black Panthers had an agenda that covered more than Vietnam and civil rights. A lot of their people were recruited in prison where they were serving time for crimes of a non political nature. There was a lot of talk of a separate black nation in those days and I personally wouldn't have liked to have lived in it as a minority white.

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The shit that happened in the 60's and 70's I feel was a reflection of problems that never got corrected. For example, black people having to drink at a black water fountain.


Those problems should have been corrected with very little effort but no effort was ever put in place to correct those problems. Social unrest and violence was used to help make the needed changes.


I fear the same shit is going to return. If it does, I think things might be nastier.

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