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Gee, commissioned officers can be held responsible now???


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Nah, the guy sounds like a well meaning f*ck up. In a way, maybe it's not all his fault. I taught some junior officers who weren't even fit to be a corporal. In the past, this guy would have spent his time in the reserve and retired without ever having to prove his competence or incompetence. But Congress cut the military back so far that the reserve and guard is carrying a heavy share of Bush's war -- and they simply haven't had the training for it. This Lt Col is going to be thrown to the wolves.


As I recall, the general over him was a female officer described as incompetent for her job. She got her rank mainly because she was a woman. The chickens are coming home to roost.



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Sad what we have become...shows what a politically correct Military can do...or more specifically, CAN'T Do!


In Theory, any officer is supposed to know what is going on at all times. Tough to do I am sure. As for the tourture, abuse etc...wonder how well the enemy would treat any American POWs...? I recall reading the account of the woman fighter pilot shot down...she said her ordeal was no worse than any man's ordeal...implying serious abuse had been suffered by both.


As for this commander...tough call, war can make you do fucked up things, and look the other way when you know they are being done by others...sometimes, you just really don't know what is going on.

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This was a necessary step to cut off the responsibility from the crimes and Rumsfeld giving the instructions and commander-in-chief GWB. Compare with the Nürnberg war crime trial or hang the leaders and not those following orders.

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The double standard has always tended to irritate me. We are civilised and thus have to follow the rules, but the "other guys" aren't bound by the same code. What they do is irrelevant. (Of course, that sort of went out of the window during WWII, but one isn't supposed to talk about that. It's un-American or something.)


p.s. I had the topic of affirmative action brought up in one of my ANCOC classes at the Ordnance NCO Academy, surprisingly by a woman E-6 (and a damn good soldier, BTW). She posed a question: Suppose 3 soldiers are being considered for warrant officer. One is a white male, one a black male and one an Hispanic female. Who gets it? Everyone in the class immediately knew the answer - the Hispanic female. 'Nuff said.



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Will agree, this guy is most likely guilty of stupidity, or "error of ommission." or what ever they call it now. But most likely he is guilty of being in the way and of allowing/not knowing about shit that ultimately embarrased the higher ups...sort of like a few reports issued by a hnadsome yound 2nd LT in El Salvador, but let's not go there. :)

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