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Why do they keep buffaloes?


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I have often wondered this very same thing myself. I have never seen in six years anyone in "the village" use a water buffallo to plow the rice paddy. They all have those giant tiller things.


We've got a few buffaloes too. I know that they swap ,trade and sell em so maybe it is a form of currency for them.


Last trip or so I heard some commotion across the street behind our house. When I walked over there one of the smaller buffaloes had fallen into the big pond and drowned. One of the guys jumped in and tied a rope around his neck and they dragged him to the shore. Then they started chopping him up like in that "Apocalypse now" movie.


Later that night everybody in the whole village was barbecuing and cooking Buffallo. We bought 2 kilos for 200 Baht. It tasted like really togh beef. So they do eat them.



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That is a very good question, I have no answer to that and I have the same experiences as Ilso. Everybody uses the Iron Buffalo for plowing these days.

There is quite a lot of work involved taking care of the buffaloes, so that even surprises me further why they would keep them.




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Farmers are notoriously resistant to change in some ways (grew up on a farm). The day when water buffalo were commonly used to till the fields isn't that far in the past so maybe the idea that having one or more is a link to/sign of prosperity hasn't faded yet. Even 30 years ago, do seem to remember hearing that water buffalo often got to die of old age although that meant keeping them well after they were any good at working the fields. Also, remember watching rather small boys riding water buffalo to the water hole where both of them were going to enjoy a soak in the water. Believe it or not, if you grow up around critters, you kind of like having them around, other than when one steps on your foot. :elephant:


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