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'un-American' Wikipedia


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There were so many wikipedia posts, it was almost inevitable some of them would turn out to be true.


[color:red]new christian conservapedia[/color]

Commandment Five says that American spelling of words must be used.


And as everyone knows, both Jesus and his dad were born in the USA.

& :yeahthat:

Conservapedia claims to be 'a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American'




Once there was a time when all people believed in god and the church ruled. This time is called the Dark Ages



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Here's a fun fact from the home page of Conservapedia: "Did you know that faith is a uniquely Christian concept? Add to the explanation of what it means, [comma sic] and how it does not exist on [sic] other religions."


Yes, some potent thinking is going on here.


Shakespere's Sister gives it a well-deserved thrashing:




I am astonished by all of the...many fascinating, unbiased facts I learned. After spending the day hitting the random search button I felt like a Renaissance man, the good Christian kind. Of course, since anyone can edit the Conservapedia, the entries are constantly changing, so the links go to the last version I saw. Feel free to register and add your own insights, although it would be difficult to improve on some of these entries:


Kangaroo: "Like all modern animals, modern kangaroos originated in the Middle East and are the descendants of the two founding members of the modern kangaroo baramin that were taken aboard Noah's Ark prior to the Great Flood."


Theory of Relativity: "Nothing useful has even been built based on the theory of relativity.â?¦'All things are relative' became popular as atheists and others used relativity to attack Christian values. There remains enormous political support for the theory of relativity that has nothing to do with physics, and Congress continues to spend billions of dollars unsuccessfully searching for particles predicted by the theory of relativity."


Gospels: "The greatest writing in the history of the world is the Gospel of John....This single book has done more to shape human thought and behavior than any other work. Our uniquely American First Amendment right of free speech is based on ministers preaching of the 'Word' of God as described in the first few verses of the Gospel of John."


George Washington: "Washington is perhaps the person other than Jesus who declined enormous worldly power, in Washington's case by voluntarily stepping aside as the ruler of a prosperous nation."


Scopes Trial: "Hollywood has little regard for the truth. Its movie version Inherit the Wind changed everyone's name, thereby preventing libel suits, and changed the facts in order to ridicule religious belief. Thanks to Bryan's victory in the Scopes trial, Tennessee voters have been educated without oppressive evolution theory for 75 years. Free from the liberal indoctrination, Tennessee voted against native son Al Gore in the 2000 Presidential election - probably the only time a candidate has lost the Presidency due to losing his home state. If Tennessee had a high level of belief in evolution comparable to that of East Germany, then you can bet Gore would have won his state and the Presidency."


The Da Vinci Code: "Dan Brown is responsible for feeding millions of readers a pack of lies cleverly wrapped up as a historically accurate novel."


Holocaust: "The Holocaust was the massacring of the Jewish race during World War II. The Germans are not to blame for this but the Nazi are. Besides 6 million Jews dying, 3 million Christians were killed also along with many priests and nuns. This is a very touchy subject for the Jews and is not often discussed amongst them."


Communism: "Communists believe that if they share everything, no one will ever have to work."




You just can't make this shit up. What's wrong with fundy Xtians anyway? And is it contagious?




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Wow, what a year book that must have been...


Really, religious types are fucked in the head, the entry on the theory of relativity is so utterly inaccurate it's laughable, but sadly there are people walking around who believe this....and they attain positions of power.............................

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This seems fair though: http://www.conservapedia.com/Atheism

Of course, a link at the bottom of that article leads us to this:


"Numerous studies and meta-studies show that theistic belief is negatively correlated with IQ. I am fascinated by the causation aspect. Thick because theyâ??re fundies? Fundies â??cause theyâ??re thick? Shallow end of the gene pool?"


Can't argue with that. And the page that has that quote leads us to: http://kspark.kaist.ac.kr/Jesus/Intelligence%20&%20religion.htm


555555555555, as I said, you can't make this shit up!




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>>Shallow end of the gene pool?<<


:bangit: :beer: :grin: :grinyes::applause::evilpumpkin:


my favorite:

Kangaroo:.. the descendants of the two founding members aboard Noah's Ark prior to the Great Flood.


[color:red]s[color:red]cary part[/color] is that h[color:green]ome schooled kids[/color] [color:orange]think[/color] this is fact.[/color]

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I read an article about this topic yesterday, and this comment had me laughing out loud.


Among his criticisms listed on Conservapedia, Mr Schlafly explains how many Wikipedia articles often use British spelling instead of American English


And a couple of comparisons given are,



Wikipedia, logo above


"Vertebrate animals that dominated terrestrial ecosystems for over 160m years, first appearing approximately 230m years ago."




"They are mentioned in numerous places throughout the Good Book. For example, the behemoth in Job and the leviathan in Isaiah are almost certainly references to dinosaurs."


US Democratic party




"The party advocates civil liberties, social freedoms, equal rights, equal opportunity, fiscal responsibility, and a free enterprise system tempered by government intervention."


Conservapedia "The Democrat voting record reveals a true agenda of cowering to terrorism, treasonous anti-Americanism, and contempt for America's founding principles."


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What fun.... greetings fellow holobaramins!


Baraminological Terms


* Holobaramin: A Holobaramin is a grouping that contains all organisms related by descent, not excluding any. For example, Humans are a holobaramin, but a group containing only Caucasians and Negroes is not a holobaramin since it excludes Mongoloids and other races. Another example would be Dogs, which is a holobaramin since wolves, coyotes, domesticated dogs and other canids are all descended from two individuals taken aboard the Ark, and there are no other creatures that are genetically continuous with them. This term is synonymous with the use of "baramin" above and is the primary term in baraminology.


* Monobaramin: A monobaramin is an ad hoc group of organisms who share common descent. Caucasians and Negros are a monobaramin, as are any group of specific members of a holobaramin such as wolves, poodles, and terriers or the humans Tom, Dick, and Harry. Holobaramins contain monobaramins; for instance, wolves are a monobaramin of the Dog holobaramin.


* Apobaramin: An apobaramin is a group of holobaramins. Humans and Dogs are an apobaramin since both members are holobaramins. A group containing Negros and wolves is not an apobaramin since both members are monobaramins.


* Polybaramin: A polybaramin is an ad hoc group of organisms where at least one of the members must not be a holobaramin and must be unrelated to any or all of the others. For example: Humans, wolves and a duck are a polybaraminic group. This term is useful for describing such hodgepodge mixtures of creatures.

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SD, liked that link, however i'd like to see more rigourous testing about intelligence vs religious belief, maybe i should do some myself. Religion is one of the things that angers me the most....ok, it's time....


I'm announcing a jihad...not sure if a non-holy person can have a holy war, but what the hell? Logic and rules never seem to be a problem for those of a religious leaning...


Next i need an army of warriors...any volunteers? The pay isn't good and death threats and being bombed could be a condition of the work, as the fundies with their low IQs can't accept logical reasoning....any takers?

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