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I will try and keep this as brief as I can. I have a friend ;) who was seeing a particular nice girl for a brief time but was dumped for an older less hansum gentleman who sends her baht every month. Family presure etc but still says she loves him.........blah blah blah.

Anyway they have stayed in contact and have always been honest but he has always felt that this other guy might not be as he seems.

Anyway during a conversation the other night she tells him that the guy wants her to check land prices in her village.

He asks "why, are you planning to build house there?"

"No" she says.

"Why he want to know?" he asked.

"Not sure" she replied.

They continue to chat and she tells him she owns 9 rai of land which was a gift from her fathers parents a long time ago. Any way this starts to worry him as it just doesn't add up. Why does old ugly farang want to know land prices. They continue to chat and then she mentions that old ugly farang wants to start business in Pattaya. He always stays there when he visits and had decided that that's where he want's to be. He asks what type of business he wants to start.

"Not sure" she says "It depends how much money bank lend for land"

"Hang on a minute he wants you to put your land up so he can open business up in Pattaya?" he asked.

"Yes" she says.

So my friend now sees :redflag::redflag::redflag::redflag::redflag:

He's not sure what to do now as he thinks this guy may be scamming her. On his last visit she told him old ugly farang spent 400K baht in two and a half weeks playing golf drinking and hanging at bars. Most of the time she get left in room. But while she in Pattaya with him, her father have accident and he not help her with money for operation for her father. (sent him photo of injuries) not scam.

So he has told her not to under any circumstance let him use her land for business in Pattaya. Your thought guys.

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the bank will not borrow money to her if she not can show a regular income. 9 rais of bad Isaan land can be bought for 45 k baht, OK if it's good land closer to a road higher or even much higher. The highest so far I've heard of was in Buriram outskirts, 3 rais with a nice house beside a big road for 3 million baht. Still if no house on nothing compared with spending 400 k spending.


I don't trust the story the girl tells. Maybe a comment from board's local representative - Cent - can give us further information

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Apparently the other thing she did mention was his eagerness for her to maintain regular deposits to her bank account. Sounds like he has got that angle covered. The land is not in Isaan and is farming land and I think has a house and some type of other storage building on it.

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Sure, more and more sounds like a scam. A business in Pattaya, a bad bar for 1 million, a good for 3-5 millions. Same prices for restaurants. If the owner doesn't work there himself it usually ends with selling 6 - 12 months later for half of what he paid.

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If he really loves the girl and cares for her welfare even though she choose the other old fat farang, then get involved.

If he just see's her as a drinking pal then give advise and leave it at that, after all she is an adult and capable of making her own mistakes.


Really this sounds like the oppisite of stupid farang man sells everything to keep Thai girl.

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