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Plot Against Fort Dix


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I think if it had worked like at the college a couple weeks ago, these guys would be heros for their cause,


Even just thinking about it and getting this far will change how the military operates,


At least foe a short time they will tighten up who gets on base,


What it also tells use is "white" guys can also be Jihad terrorists,

of course these guys (at least what I saw on TV ) were too stiupid to blend into the neighbor hood with their long beards etc,


I wonder if they will stop admitting people from the former Yugoslavia now ?



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My personal opinion (probably shared by a substantial amount of the public) is that Bush has failed in prosecuting the war. My worry with this incident is that he (or similar minded Republicans) do a 'see I told you so' and use it as a wedge to get public opinion to 'force' congress to give him more money and troops for Iraq. Even though the two incidents are separate, the spin will be used for their benefit. I know I sound like 'foreigner' now but it is one of my concerns that any similar incidents prolongs the current failed methods. Also, it can be used to maintain if not increase domestic surveilance and invasions of privacy and civil liberties. I'm just as worried as the next guy about militants and such, but the fact is that the existing methods pre-911 were enough to catch the terrorists, it was our own government that failed to heed the warnings of FBI agents. The Patriots Act wasn't necessary.


I remember Fort Dix, having lived in Philly for a while. Shaquille O'Neal's father was stationed there as well and I think he lived off base (useless fact of the day).



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In another thread I said one of my concerns was anglo looking moslems from the former balkans or converted black americans to islam (nation of islam primarily--Farrakan's group) be used to initiate acts as both do not look middle eastern.


I don't know if partly luck or good intelligence that has prevented another domestic act. The shoe bomber was luck if I remember correctly as he acted suspicious on the plane. Right after 911 I was sure we'd get hit with something else from sleeper cells and such. I think a lot of us have become complacent. The best place to be is in the middle of Montana or Idaho I guess. Nothing of note worth bombing out there.

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"...They also allegedly spoke of attacking the Navy base in Philadelphia during the annual Army-Navy football game, when the place would be full of sailors, and conducted surveillance at other military installations in the region..."


Weren't they supposed to close that base? and also scale down Ft. Dix? My guess is something fishy about all this...


As for attacking a base...yes, it makes perfect sense, as it shows they have the balls to do it, and thus scare everyone into voting republican again...

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