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Michael Moore Faces U.S. Treasury Probe


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My favourite Michael Moore line " This country is being run by a President who wants to attack a country that he couldn't even find on the map when asked."


That is one of those bush stereotypes of people you America bashers!


I totally agree :)

First I thought Michael Moores F9/11 was lame, in the after math a couple of year slater it was brilliant!


One more thing, seems America is the only country in the world where Liberal is a bad word! Chew on that for a while before you laugh, actually it is not even funny!


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perhaps there is NO GOOD SOLUTION.


colon Powell compared it to the pottery barn rule .. you break it you bought it.

We have over the last 16 years totally destroyed the country .. bombed it as hard as we could twice .. destroyed any & all infrastructure / communications / manufacturing we could find


& now have gone back & forth several times across many communities in door to door fighting..


perhaps some parts are like Stalingrad.


back to the pottery barn:

what we now have is little tiny pottery shards scattered about where a (slightly dysfunctional) country used to be.


perhaps there is not a fix ..


IMHO, the best solution is 3-500,000 americans for a generation.

bring back the draft & gas rationing.


most of the chicken hawks wanted a painless war .. it didn't work out ..

the regional / military / state department experts warned of exactly what we are now experiencing .. & they were fired

those who spoke of the cost, fired

those whose spoke of the troup needs fired

those that spoke of the time frame, fired

those who spoke of civil war, fired


+ WMDs?


war criminals!


pottery barn = warehouse of ceramics, vases & flower pots .. woman / gay stuff ...

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I strongly disagree!

He is not a politician, he is making documentaries!

Fahrenheit 9/11 was about to give information to the people that they can't acquire like that in the news! It was less about Bush as it could have been!


I found it priceless when he was trying to convince members of the congress, who supported the war on Iraq, to sign up THEIR children for the Army!


He raised the question why did "we" invade Afghanistan when 15 of the terrorists came from Saudi Arabia??? He explained why!


Why where the Bin Lades allowed to leave the country, they actually has been flown out!


You don't need to offer a solution, because the answer is hidden inside of the question.


Michael Moore is indeed a sneaky bastard but if he wasn't good he wouldn't have such an enormous success. The day before the re-election he gave the TV rights of F9/11 FOR FREE to one Network in every country in the world so they can show it! He lost about 60 million dollars on the TV rights and loads on DVD money since his Documentary was still fresh in the Top Seller Charts!


If a fat ugly cow like him has success he must convince with content, he obviously did.


M. Moore is not saying what others are afraid to say, he says just a little. He is not a conspiracy theorist if someone wants to see a damn convincing conspiracy documentary you should download Loose Change 2nd Edition, which is the most seen documentary world wide and now got a huge deal to bring the whole thing to the big screen!

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I like Moore, but I can understand why some people don't like him. Is it that Americans are becoming like the Irish, begrudging people who are successful?


I like the issues Moore tackles, and I believe his arguments are valid.


One of the scary things about the reactions of Americans to criticism in general, is that they've become so reflexively patriotic, that even when someone like Moore points out that, THE WAR IN IRAQ IS ABOUT PROFITEERING, NOT ABOUT PROTECTING AMERICANS, or in the case of the latest documentary, OUR HEALTH SYSTEM IS FUCKED TO THE POINT WHERE MANY CAN'T AFFORD TREATMENT BECAUSE OF PROFITEERING, both points which are undoubtedly true, people criticize him and call him unpatriotic.


Over the past few years Americans have become hyper-sensitive about being told that their country is being run by a bunch of lying, money grubbing hypocrites and is not being run in their interests.


Isn't it amazing, mind control on a massive scale.

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Moore makes $$$ from what he "tackles"...that's it.


Did he use not $$$ to hire a gang of lawyers to go after all the bad things going on in the USA...NO


Did he organize groups to to get elected to better the USA government...NO


...and you think this guy is some demi-god?


Talk about mind control, he's got you and may others, IMO.

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A "demi-God", no. A good documentary maker who chooses important subject matter, yes.


U should take a look at 'The Awful Truth" it really is funny and relevant.


I don't know about you, but I'd much rather watch a Moore documentary than watch "Celebrity Ballroom Dancing" or "The Apprentice".


And in response to your question about organizing people for the elections, well, yes he did orchestrate a voter registration drive, but I suppose that was only for the publicity and the money too?


I have no doubt that Moore has become a reasonably wealthy man because of his talent. However, I don't buy your argument that he only does it for the money. That is such a common argument these days, "people are only motivated by money...". People are motivated by a combination of many things, some mostly by money, some by power, fame, some by a desire to help others or to mobilize people who could no longer give a f**k about anything, to make a change.

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