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Normal to go thru a disheartenment phase with LOS?


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This is trip #10 in 4 years, have been here 8 of the last 12 months, have had about 80 st/lt's. Have seen a fair amount of the counrty. No job or business or home that I own to maintain and improve. Trying the steady gf thing for the first time here, met her last July, attempting monogamy sucessfully so far. Getting more and more shots of vinegar with the sugar from her, less affection, more money comments. We still have a lot of fun together though, we can tease and joke and play around all day long, sex is still great. The thrill and fascination of being here has definately faded. I find myself complaining more and more about the things that are worse here than back in the states. Do the same when I'm there though too. Is it just a normal passing phase that is normal to go through and things will soon be rosey again? Are we that travel and relocate hard to please, less satisfied with the status quo and condemned to forever bellyache and see the glass as half empty?

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As you settle in, reality starts to rear its head.


If you are busy in LOS (as I am) then you just don't have much time to complain.


There are so many things here that are just GREAT!

The GF is also adjusting. She is feeling out the water and just trying to look ahead comments about $$$), just testing the waters.


They often have very valid concerns about $$$...as I am usually here or close by to LOS, money isn't an issue for me (her). She raised a concern, what if I am not here and she is in an accident, needs medical care and is short of $$$...good point.

Once they prove to be trustworthy and you strongly feel they will not piss away any money you might leave with her, then I would say it is time to take another step forward, leave a chunk of money with her and see how it goes.


One step at a time, is the way I do it.

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Yes, it's normal. And no, things will not be as rosey as you once thought they were. You'll stumble across all kinds of realisations, about the superficiality of the Thai smile, the complicated calculations that Thais make in relationships, the fucking near-impossibility of finding a quality honest contractor to make some improvements to your place, etc. But then, probably, you'll get down to brass tacks and compare what you've got here with what you've got back home, and you'll decide that for all it's hidden warts Thailand's not so bad - it's not perfect, but nothing is, and you'll get on with things in Thailand, with a grain or two of salt.


At least that's what a friend who went to Thailand once told me.



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Is it just a normal passing phase that is normal to go through and things will soon be rosey again? Are we that travel and relocate hard to please, less satisfied with the status quo and condemned to forever bellyache and see the glass as half empty?


I think it is not a passing phase, but a state of being. Don't forget, wherever you go, you take yourself with you. If you weren't happy at home, and you aren't happy here, it's not the circumstances that causes the unhappiness, you are. Look at yourself. There lies the only solution.



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Great point Songmaak,


love it, change it or leave it. We are constantly complaining about farang ladys turning into the bitching-phase. I have met so many male tourists and/or expats in LOS (and here on this board, if I may add), who are just in that phase. Luck and karma have an impact on our lives, but afterall, we do have a stronger one.




BTW: 8 months in LOS and only 80 ST/LTs?? There was a bigger hunter (or should I say trapper?) here a while ago!

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Most people go through sort of a cycle. First, everything is absolutely perfect and wonderful. Then after a while, you get used to things and it's not so special. After that you may start getting very critical, seeing only the things that irritate you. But usually folks get back to the liking everything stage and start the cycle over again.


p.s. Go home for a while and everything you bitched about won't seem so bad after all. In fact, almost every complaint I had about LOS when I left for some years I also encountered back home too. The difference was they didn't smile. :(




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Having lived in Cairo for 13 years I always felt envious of people living in Bangkok. Bangkok is more liberal and tolerant, has so much more happening and, of course, there are all those charming young ladies. None of which is to deny that there are things wrong with LOS, but there are a hell of a lot of places where so much more is wrong- and these places often lack the things that are so right with LOS. I think its natural to have down periods. But if you start getting really down about Thailand start thinking about how it really compares with a hell of a lot of other places in the world - often including home. I think you'll find it compares pretty favourably.

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I don't know about others but with me it can swing from week to week. But on the whole when I think sanely about it. For all the irritants Thailand has more positives than negatives. And is better than back home.



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